The Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Management Project supported Tajikistan in improving water resource management at local, basin and national levels, and in increasing crop yields through improved irrigation management.
With the overall goal of improving food security for Tajikistan’s most vulnerable communities, the World Bank launched in 2013 the Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project.
World Bank Country Manager for Tajikistan Patricia Veevers-Carter met with beneficiaries and partners of the Second Tajikistan Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project.
World Bank’s main goal in Tajikistan is to promote private sector-led growth and increased private investment, in particular for small and medium-sized enterprises and especially in agriculture, through structural reforms and financial sector development.
Tajikistan and World Bank launched a that aims to improve agricultural production and create temporary employment in 12 districts.
A grant agreement to finance the Second Tajikistan Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project was signed in Dushanbe.
The project development objectives are to provide employment to food insecure people through the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage infrastructure
more than 770,000 people in rural tajikistan will benefit from new employment opportunities, improved irrigation and higher crop yields
Food insecurity and staggering unemployment levels have become significant concerns in rural Tajikistan. To help alleviate the situation, the World Bank's project created temporary jobs repairing irrigation and drainage infrastructure in parts of Khatlon region.
To help improve irrigation services and food production in Tajikistan, the Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Management Project (PAMP II) was launched in 2012.
Второй проект занятости населения для устойчивого сельского хозяйства и управления водными ресурсами помогает решать важнейшие вопросы в области ирригации для улучшения продовольственной безопасности в наиболее уязвимых районах Таджикистана.
The World Bank’s Second Public Employment for Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources Management Project helps address critical issues in irrigation and water resource management to improve food security in Tajikistan’s most vulnerable districts.