Over the past decade, Kazakhstan’s innovation system—the network of institutions, firms, and people that boost the flow of information and technology—has become considerably more market driven. That has been partially achieved thanks to two World Bank-supported projects.
The World Bank-funded Fostering Productive Innovation Project in Kazakhstan introduced several innovative research and development commercialization programs to improve the quality and relevance of research and spur firm innovation.
In Kazakhstan, two projects promoted scientific innovation and supported technology commercialization.
World Bank Country Manager for Kazakhstan met recently with the team at the Alliance of Technology Commercialization Professionals, which promotes the development of technology commercialization.
The Technology Commercialization Project, an initiative of the World Bank Group’s Trade & Competitiveness Global Practice and the Government of Kazakhstan, provided grants to scientists in Kazakhstan.
In a relatively short time, Kazakhstan Technology Commercialization Project, has demonstrated outstanding results – an outcome of excellent collaboration between the Kazakh authorities, the World Bank, and international partners.
The five-year project will be implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan to promote high-quality nationally relevant research and commercialization of technologies.
World Bank approved a loan to help Kazakhstan foster innovation by promoting high-quality nationally relevant research and commercialization of technologies.
Renata is a Senior Software Engineer in Kazakhstan who leads a group of developers working on IMEDHUB – an innovative project that helps diagnose lung diseases remotely. This story is part of our “Women of Central Asia” series.
Рената Ахмад – старший инженер-программист из Казахстана. Рената возглавляет группу разработчиков, работающих над инновационным проектом IMEDHUB. Проект помогает удаленно диагностировать заболевания легких.
Проект «Стимулирование продуктивных инноваций» продвигает и развивает коммерческие инновации в Казахстане, предоставляя гранты для предпринимателей и стартапов, стремящихся улучшить качество жизни людей.
The Fostering Productive Innovation Project promotes and develops commercial innovations in Kazakhstan by providing grants to entrepreneurs and start-ups seeking to improve the quality of people’s lives.