In Qale Ahmad Khan village in Kabul, a women's self-help group contributes to the fight against COVID-19 by fighting misinformation and training villagers on how to prevent the coronavirus. More than 700 such self-help groups in Kabul are responding to the pandemic through the World Bank and ARTF Women’s Economic and Rural Development Project (WEE-RDP).
Poor women in a Bamyan city neighborhood are supporting themselves and contributing to their household incomes by setting up micro-businesses.
Afghanistan has redeployed two leading development programs to promote health recommendations to fight COVID-19 in thousands of rural and urban communities.
As a result of AREDP services, thousands of villagers in the district, like Saleh, were able to start micro businesses from loans made possible by the saving groups and VSLAs.
The South Asia Region is home to many successful initiatives to empower rural women.
The new package of $403 million grant will finance improvements in primary, secondary and higher education as well as advancing the economic and social standing of rural women.
Women's Economic Empowerment Rural Development Project (WEE-RDP) aims to increase social and economic empowerment of poor rural women in selected communities.
In Qale Ahmad Khan village in Kabul, a women’s self-help group contributes to the fight against COVID-19 by fighting misinformation and training villagers on how to prevent the coronavirus. More than 700 such self-help groups in Kabul are responding to the pandemic through the World Bank and ARTF Women’s Economic and Rural Development Project (WEE-RDP).
Many Afghan women like Nargis Afshar in Bamyan province of Afghanistan who used to face poverty and face difficult living conditions are now able to make a living from their macro businesses.