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World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals


As of January 1, 2021, the World Bank has modified its practices with respect to the “Grounds” column of both Table 1 (“Debarred & Cross-Debarred Firms and Individuals”) and Table 2 (“Other Sanctions”). All entries posted after January 1, 2021 will state, in the “Grounds” column, the sanctionable practice for which the firm or individual has been sanctioned. The “Grounds” column will also designate whether the firm or individual is a controlled affiliate, controlling affiliate, or successor/assign of a sanctioned entity. Cross-debarred firms and individuals will continue to be identified in the “Grounds” column.


Such sanction was imposed as the result of:

(1) an administrative process conducted by the Bank that permitted the accused firms and individuals to respond to the allegations. Through July 2007, this process was conducted in accordance with the Sanctions Committee Procedures adopted on August 2, 2001. The process is currently conducted in accordance with Bank Procedure: Sanctions Proceedings and Settlements in Bank Financed Projects. For more information on the two-tier sanctions process go to Sanctions Management webpage.


(2) cross-debarment in accordance with the Agreement for Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions dated 9 April 2010, which, as of July 1, 2011, has been made effective by the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank, and African Development Bank.

Click here to see additional notes on debarred firms and individuals and here to see an explanatory note on the application of cross-debarment.

The Bank may also apply other actions to firms and individuals that do not result in debarment. For the current list, see Table 2: Other Sanctions which is located further down this page.

To report allegations of fraud and corruption in Bank-financed projects, please contact the Integrity Vice Presidency.

Table 1: Debarred & Cross-Debarred Firms & Individuals
The firms and individuals listed in Table 1 below are debarred and thus ineligible to participate in World Bank-financed contracts for the periods indicated. The full scope of ineligibility resulting from debarment is described in the Bank Procedure: Sanctions Proceedings and Settlements in Bank Financed Projects (see Section III.A, sub-paragraph 9.01(c)). These entities are ineligible as a result of prohibited conduct defined in the applicable Procurement or Consultant Guidelines or in the World Bank Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing Borrowers; different guidelines may apply depending on the project at issue. More information on the basis of each entity’s sanction is available in the “Grounds” column and/or in the Notes on Debarred Firms and Individuals PDF.

Note: To obtain the best results when performing a search, it is advised that only a portion of the firm/individual name be entered. This allows for the greatest chance of seeing all sanctioned entities with names close to or exactly as those being searched. For example, to search for:

C.V. ABCD, enter ABCD;
ABCD Engineers SRL, enter ABCD or ABCD Engineers; or
ABCD Royal Consulting Co., enter ABCD, or ABCD Royal, or Royal Consulting

Please also avoid accentuated characters and generic terms such as: Ltd.; Limited; Corp.; etc. Also note that this site works best when using Chrome as browser.

Firms and Individuals on the list may have an (*) and number associated with them. Please refer to this Notes on Debarred Firms and Individuals PDF to see the details.

Doing Business - World Bank Group
Debarred Firms and Individuals This list updates every 3 hours

Cross-debarred Entities

a) all projects subject to the May 2010 or later dated revisions to the Procurement Guidelines and Consultant Guidelines; and

b) to all projects subject to earlier editions of the Procurement Guidelines and Consultant Guidelines for which the legal agreements have been amended to give effect to the cross-debarment regime, with the exception of projects in the following countries for which such amendments have not taken effect: 

1. Federative Republic of Brazil (not including States and other financing recipients in Brazil)
2. Bulgaria
3. State of Eritrea
4. Republic of Kazakhstan (not including Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating company - KEGOC) 
5. Republic of Kenya
6. Serbia

Table 2: Other Sanctions 

Name of Firm & Address

Date of Imposition of Sanction

Sanction Imposed


OAO Armada *12


Letter of reprimand

Sanctions Procedures, Section 9.04(a)

PT. Bumirejo *13


Letter of reprimand

January 1999 Procurement Guidelines, para. 1.15(a)(ii)


June 22, 2023 – June 21, 2025Conditional Non-debarmentFraudulent Practices

June 22, 2023  – June 21, 2025Conditional Non-debarmentFraudulent Practices


Ramón de Aguinaga, 8

Madrid, 28028


Feberuary 29, 2024 - November 28, 2027Conditional Non-debarmentCorrupt and Collusive Practices

Nippon Koei Latin America – Caribbean Co., Ltd. (Reg. No. 0100-01-083606)*60

5-4 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-

8539, Japan

March 12, 2024 – June 21, 2025Conditional Non-debarmentFraudulent Practices

Nippon Koei Latin America – Caribbean Co., Ltd. Mexico (Reg. No. N-2018053127)*60


Avenida Insurgentes Sur 1168 interior 501 Colonia Del Valle. C.P. 03100 Ciudad de México Alcaldía Benito Juárez, México

March 12, 2024 – June 21, 2025Conditional Non-debarmentControlled Affiliate of a Sanctioned Entity

Nippon Koei Mozambique, Limitada. (Reg. No. 100349507)*60


Distrito Urbano 1, Bairro Polane Cimento A. Av Armando Tivane No.269, Maputo, Mozambique

March 12, 2024 – June 21, 2025

Conditional Non-debarment

Controlled Affiliate of a Sanctioned Entity

Nippon Koei LAC do Brasil Ltda. (Reg. No. 08.871.349/0001- 00)*60


Rua Claudio Soares No.72, Salas 302 e 303, 3º andar, Pinheiros CEP 05422-030, Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil

March 12, 2024 – June 21, 2025Conditional Non-debarmentControlled Affiliate of a Sanctioned Entity

Nippon Koei LAC, Inc. (Reg. No. 1852144-1- 713983 DV63)*60


Torre ADR, Piso 9, Avenida Samuel Lewis, Urbanización Obarrio, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá

March 12, 2024 – June 21, 2025

Conditional Non-debarment

Controlled Affiliate of a Sanctioned Entity

Engr. Amin Moussalli, Managing Director, AIM Consultants Limited. *61

Plot 267A, Etim Inyang Crescent, Victoria Island Annex, Lagos, Nigeria.

December 22, 2024 – June 21, 2026Conditional Non-debarmentCorrupt Practice
Africa Enablers GMBH(Reg. No. CHE-447.049.139)*62

Zurcher Str. 111, CH-8640 Rapperswil, Switzerland
January 5, 2025 - June 04, 2025Conditional Non-debarmentFraudulent Practice

Dr. Philipp Schuller*63

Mechtildstr. 19, 60320, Frankfurt, Germany

January 5, 2025 - June 04, 2025Conditional Non-debarmentFraudulent Practice

Mr. Stephan Willms*64

Basaltstr. 45, 60487, Frankfurt, Germany

January 5, 2025 - June 04, 2025Conditional Non-debarmentFraudulent Practice
Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia *65

Second Floor, Outreach Building Asian Institute of Technology Campus 58 Moo 9 Paholyothin Rd., Klong Nueng Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120 Thailand 
January 15, 2025 – July 14, 2026Conditional Non-debarmentFraudulent Practices

Stichting Cordaid *66

Grote Markstraat 45, 251 1BH's, Gravenhage Netherlands

February 11, 2025 – August 10, 2026Conditional Non-debarmentFraudulent Practice

FairClimateFund B.V*66

Arthur van Schendelstraat 550, 3511 MH Utrecht Netherlands

February 11, 2025 – August 10, 2026Conditional Non-debarmenControlled Affiliate of a Sanctioned Entity

Stichting Cordaid Expats*66

Grote Marktstraat 45, 2511 BH 's, Gravenhage Netherlands

February 11, 2025 – August 10, 2026Conditional Non-debarmenControlled Affiliate of a Sanctioned Entity

Stichting lnterkerkelijke Organisatie voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking, ICCO*66

Grote Marktstraat 45, 2511 BH 's, Gravenhage Netherlands

February 11, 2025 – August 10, 2026Conditional Non-debarmenControlled Affiliate of a Sanctioned Entity



February 11, 2025 – August 10, 2025Conditional Non-debarmen

Collusive and Corrupt Practices


*12 Sanctions Board Decision No. 65 (Sanctions Case No. 173) issued on May 2, 2014

*13 Sanctions Board Decision No. 67 (Sanctions Case No. 193) issued on June 16, 2014

*58 Sanctions Board Decision No. 140 (Sanctions Case No. 762) issued on June 22, 2023.

*59 Sanctions Board Decision No. 142 (Sanctions Case No. 760) issued on February 29, 2024. Although Sanctions Board Decision No. 142 imposes a sanction of conditional non-debarment, TPF Getinsa Euroestudios S.L. remains debarred (with conditions) through November 28, 2027, pursuant to Sanctions Board Decision No. 134 (Sanctions Case No. 620).

*60 This sanction is the result of a Settlement Agreement. Nippon Koei Latin America – Caribbean Co., Ltd. (“NKLAC”) is subject to a conditional non-debarment for a period of one year, three months and nine days. This sanction extends to certain Affiliates. At the end of this period, NKLAC may be released from conditional non-debarment provided that it has complied with the following conditions: (a) it has met integrity compliance conditions to the satisfaction of the World Bank Group’s Integrity Compliance Officer; (b) it has fully cooperated with the World Bank Group; and (c) it has otherwise complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement. If NKLAC fails to meet these conditions by the end of the period of sanction, its conditional non-debarment will automatically convert into a debarment with conditional release until the conditions are met.

*61 This sanction is the result of a Settlement Agreement. The sanction imposed on Engr. Amin Moussalli (“Engr. Moussalli”) extends to his Sanctioned Affiliates. If, at the end of the period of conditional non-debarment, Engr. Moussalli and his Sanctioned Affiliates have (a) met the corporate compliance conditions to the satisfaction of the ICO; (b) fully cooperated with the World Bank Group; and (c) otherwise complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement, they will then be released from conditional non-debarment. If they fail to meet these obligations by the end of the period of sanction, their conditional non-debarment will automatically convert into a debarment with conditional release until the obligations are met. This period of conditional non-debarment follows a two-year-ten-month period of debarment with conditional release as set out in the Settlement Agreement.

*62 This sanction is the result of a Settlement Agreement. At the end of this five-month period of conditional non-debarment, Africa Enablers GmbH may be released from the sanction provided that it has complied with the following conditions: (a) it has met the Settlement Agreement’s integrity compliance conditions to the satisfaction of the WBG Integrity Compliance Officer; (b) it has fully cooperated with the WBG; and (c) it has otherwise complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement. 

*63 This sanction is the result of a Settlement Agreement. At the end of this five-month period of conditional non-debarment, Dr. Philipp Schuller may be released from the sanction provided that he has complied with the following conditions: (a) he has met the Settlement Agreement’s integrity compliance conditions to the satisfaction of the WBG Integrity Compliance Officer; (b) he has fully cooperated with the WBG; and (c) he has otherwise complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement. 

*64 This sanction is the result of a Settlement Agreement. At the end of this five-month period of conditional non-debarment, Mr. Stephan Willms may be released from the sanction provided that he has complied with the following conditions: (a) he has met the Settlement Agreement’s integrity compliance conditions to the satisfaction of the WBG Integrity Compliance Officer; (b) he has fully cooperated with the WBG; and (c) he has otherwise complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement.

*65 This sanction is the result of a Settlement Agreement. The Regional Integrated Multi-Hazard Early Warning System for Africa and Asia (“RIMES”) is subject to a conditional non-debarment for a period of one year and six months. This sanction extends to certain Affiliates. At the end of this period, RIMES may be released from conditional non-debarment provided that it has complied with the following conditions: (a) it has met integrity compliance conditions to the satisfaction of the World Bank Group’s Integrity Compliance Officer; (b) it has fully cooperated with the World Bank Group; and (c) it has otherwise complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement. If RIMES fails to meet these conditions by the end of the period of sanction, its conditional non-debarment will automatically convert into a debarment with conditional release until the conditions are met.

*66 This sanction is the result of a Settlement Agreement. Stichting Cordaid is subject to a conditional non-debarment for a period of one year and six months. This sanction extends to certain Affiliates. At the end of this period, Stichting Cordaid may be released from conditional non-debarment provided that it has complied with the following conditions: (a) it has met integrity compliance conditions to the satisfaction of the World Bank Group’s Integrity Compliance Officer; (b) it has fully cooperated with the World Bank Group; and (c) it has otherwise complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement. If Stichting Cordaid fails to meet these conditions by the end of the period of sanction, its conditional non-debarment will automatically convert into a debarment with conditional release until the conditions are met.

*67 This sanction is the result of a Settlement Agreement. At the end of this six-month period of conditional non-debarment, Voith Hydro Shanghai may be released from the sanction provided that it has complied with the following conditions: (a) it has met the Settlement Agreement’s integrity compliance conditions to the satisfaction of the WBG Integrity Compliance Officer; (b) it has fully cooperated with the WBG; and (c) it has otherwise complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement.

Click on the link for the full text of the Sanctions Committee Procedures.

Click on the link for the full text of the Bank Procedure: Sanctions Proceedings and Settlements in Bank Financed Projects