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Procurement for World Bank Projects - Standard Documents Archive

June 23, 2016

The new World Bank Procurement Framework went into effect July 1, 2016. This archive page contains links to policies and documents from previous years that may be of use during the time of transition from the old to the new.



Procurement of Goods Archive

April 2015: English

March 2013: English, French, Spanish

May 2010: English, Spanish, Chinese

May 2007: English

September 2006: English

May 2005: English, French, Chinese

May 2004: English, French, Spanish

March 2003: English, French, Spanish

Smaller Works Archive:

Dec. 2012: English

Nov. 2010: English, Spanish

April 2008: English, Spanish

May 2007: English

May 2004: English, French, Spanish

* Please note that in the case of any discrepancies between these translations and the English version, the English prevails.


Procurement of Works, French Civil Law, 2007 French

Procurement of Small Works- April 2015 English
These SBDSW are based on the July 2008 Master Bidding Documents for Procurement of Small Works, prepared by the Multilateral Development Banks and International Financing Institutions. The Master Bidding Documents reflect “best practices” by these institutions. These SBDSW reflect the structure and the provisions of the Master Bidding Documents, except where specific considerations within the World Bank have required a change.

This Standard Bidding Document for Procurement of Small Works is to be used when a prequalification process has not taken place before bidding and, therefore, post-qualification applies.


Procurement of Plant Design, Supply, and Installation & User's Guide April 2015

Supply and Installation of Information Systems – Single-Stage Bidding December 2008

Supply and Installation of Information Systems – Two-Stage Bidding March 2003
Spanish: 2003
French: 2003

Standard Bid Evaluation Form – Procurement of Goods or Works April 1996
Spanish: 1996
French: 1996

Procurement of Health Sector Goods- April 2015
This Standard Bidding Document is intended for use in the procurement of pharmaceuticals, vaccines, and condoms through international competitive bidding (ICB). For the purpose of these documents, pharmaceuticals also include nutritional supplements and oral and injectable hormonal forms of contraception. Its’ use is mandatory.
Note: the Technical Note and the Clinton Foundation Modifications were not revised. English
Clinton Foundation Modifications: EnglishSpanish

Procurement of Textbooks and Reading Materials - April 2015
Use this document in the procurement of textbooks and reading materials. The use of this Document applies when a prequalification process has not taken place before bidding. Its use is mandatory for the procurement of textbooks through International Competitive Bidding English, May 2014 - EnglishFrench

The Standard Prequalification Document (SPD) is intended primarily for use in prequalifying applicants who express an interest in bidding on large building and civil engineering contracts under International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures. The principles may also be applied if prequalification is needed under National Competitive Bidding (NCB).

English, French

Prequalification Document Archive

August 2006, revised May 2007 & September 2010




May 2007




August 2006




