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Nutrient Reduction Project


The Hungary Nutrient Reduction Project aims (1) to reduce Budapest's discharge of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) into the Danube River, and consequently into the Black Sea; (2) to enhance the nutrient trapping capacity of Gemenc and Beda-Karapancsa wetlands situated in the lower Hungarian part of the Danube River; and (3) to serve as a model for similar nutrient reduction initiatives in Hungary and other Danube basin countries. The Project has...

* The project abstract is drawn from the PAD, SAR or PGD and may not accurately reflect the project's current nature

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Development Objective

The key development objectives of the Project are: (i) to reduce Budapest's discharge of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) into the Danube River, and consequently into the Black Sea; (ii) to enhance the nutrient trapping capacity of Gemenc and Beda-Karapancsa wetlands situated in the lower Hungarian part of the Danube River; and (iii) to serve as a model for similar nutrient reduction initiatives in Hungary and other Danube basin countries.

Key Details

Project Details

  • P074971

  • Closed

  • Sanyu Lutalo

  • N/A

  • Hungary

  • November 29, 2004

  • (as of board presentation)

    April 18, 2006

  • August 11, 2006

  • US$ 12.50 million

  • B

  • January 15, 2013

  • December 31, 2011


  • Notes


Financing Plan (US$ Millions)

No data available.
Financier Commitments
GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT - Associated IBRD Fund 7.70
Global Environment Facility (GEF) 12.50
Borrower/Recipient 11.77

Total Project Financing (US$ Millions)

Product Line IBRD/IDA
IBRD Commitment N/A
IDA Commitment N/A
IBRD + IDA Commitment N/A
Lending Instrument
Grant Amount 12.50
Total Project Cost** 31.97

Summary Status of World Bank Financing (US$ Millions) as of January 31, 2025

No data available.
Financier Approval Date Closing Date Principal Disbursed Repayments Interest, Charges & Fees

Detailed Financial Activity as of January 31, 2025

No data available.
Period Financier Transaction Type Amount (US$)




Name Review Date
Procurement Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Financial Management Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Overall Safeguards Rating Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Summary Global Objective Rating Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Counterpart Funding Moderately Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Overall Low 2011-12-24
Overall Safeguards Rating Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Project Management Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Monitoring and Evaluation Moderately Satisfactory 2011-12-24


Risk to Development OutcomeNegligible
Bank PerformanceModerately Satisfactory
Borrower PerformanceModerately Satisfactory
Government PerformanceModerately Satisfactory
Implementing AgencySubstantial


Outcome RatingModerately Unsatisfactory N/a
Risk To Development OutcomeModerateN/a
Bank PerformanceModerately UnsatisfactoryN/a
Borrower PerformanceModerately SatisfactoryN/a
Government PerformanceModerately SatisfactoryN/a
Implementing AgencyModerately SatisfactoryN/a
Icr QualitySatisfactoryN/a
M&e QualityModestN/a

Results Framework




  • Component A: Quantity of nutrients discharged from the NBWWTP (in Kg/day).ValueBOD: 20,586; Nitrogen (N): 9,230; Phosphorus (P): BOD: 1,185N: 1604P: 195 (exceeded the target)BOD: 3,200; N: 2,945; P: 310
    DateFebruary 16, 2006October 14, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentTarget exceeded.
  • Component B: Number of hectares of wetlands rehabilitated in the DDNP (ha)Value043004,300
    DateFebruary 16, 2006October 14, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentWorks on the entire area are either complete, or almost (80% on two remaining sites) by reporting time, but covering the entireplanned area.
  • Component B: Annual Water flow in the wetlands of DDNP (m3/ha/a)Value37000 m3/ha/a11860 - 99,534 m3/ha/a43,000 m3/ha/a
    DateFebruary 16, 2006October 14, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentAn interval was provided based on variations in water levels.
  • Component B: Percentage of intervention area covered by monitoring system (%)Value0100%100%
    DateFebruary 16, 2006June 6, 2011December 31, 2011
  • Component C: Project experience and impact evaluation studies disseminated according to communication strategyValueNoConsultant being selected for Impact Evaluation SuCommunication strategy fully implemented.
    DateFebruary 16, 2006June 6, 2011December 31, 2011
  • Overall reduction of the nutrient flow into the Danube River and the Black Sea (from component A and component B) (tons / annum)Value03000 (A)720 (B)3,000 (component A) + 1,000 (component B) = 4,000
    DateFebruary 16, 2006November 16, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThe NBWWTP is currently operating at ~ 80% capacity, but will be able to exceed the target once operating at full capacity (aftercompletion of the ongoing canalization program being implemented in part of Budapest is completed). Component B nutrient removalisbased on average estimates of 650 (N) and 70 (P) removal, excluding removal by plant uptake considered at appraisal. Range ofresults was considered due to variation with water levels, i.e. low, mid, and high, with maximum removal at highest water levelsestimated at 770 (N) and 140 (P).
  • Overall improvement to the water regime in Gemenc and Beda Karapancsa wetlands (ha )ValueNo monitoring system in place and no interventionsMonitoring system installed. Pilot intervention anMonitoring system fully installed and 9 interventi
    DateFebruary 16, 2006November 16, 2011December 31, 2011
  • Dissemination of a comprehensive project impact evaluation study in order to serve as a model of other nutrient reduction initiativesValueNo impact evaluation or communication strategyImpact evaluation study on-going and due to be comImpact evaluation completed and disseminated
    DateFebruary 16, 2006November 16, 2011December 31, 2010
  • Enhanced nutrient trapping capacity of Gemenc and Beda-Karapancsa wetlands (this is the contribution of component B to the overall nutrient reduction) (ton/a)Value0.00720.001000.00
    DateFebruary 16, 2009November 16, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentEstimated at 720 tons/a, comprising 650 tons of N and 70 tons of P. This excludes nutrients trapped through plant uptake, but itisestimated that if this method which was considered at appraisal is considered, it would entail a higher result.