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Municipal Infrastructure Development Project


The development objective of the Tajikistan Municipal Infrastructure Development Project is to improve the availability, quality and efficiency of delivery of basic municipal services to the population of the eight towns which participate in the project. This objective will be achieved by financing three project components: (a) the rehabilitation and repair of basic infrastructure and installations and/or the replacement of equipment of Khochagii...

* The project abstract is drawn from the PAD, SAR or PGD and may not accurately reflect the project's current nature

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Development Objective

Revised project development objective is to improve the availability, quality and efficiency of basic municipal services for the population of the towns which participate in the project. An added objective, as an urgent response to the anticipated floods of the spring of 2012, is to contribute to their mitigation with the supply of emergency materials.

Key Details

Project Details

  • P079027

  • Closed

  • Yarissa Sommer

  • Min of Finance

  • Tajikistan

  • May 4, 2004

  • (as of board presentation)

    January 19, 2006

  • April 12, 2006

  • US$ 16.50 million

  • Khochagii Manziliu Komunali,Khochagii Manziliu Komunali (KMK)

  • Europe and Central Asia

  • 2006

  • US$ 15.00 million

  • B

  • October 12, 2023

  • April 30, 2016


  • Notes


Financing Plan (US$ Millions)

No data available.
Financier Commitments
IDA Grant 15.00
Borrower/Recipient 1.50

Total Project Financing (US$ Millions)

Product Line IBRD/IDA
IBRD Commitment N/A
IDA Commitment 15.00
IBRD + IDA Commitment 15.00
Lending Instrument
Grant Amount N/A
Total Project Cost** 16.50

Summary Status of World Bank Financing (US$ Millions) as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Financier Approval Date Closing Date Principal Disbursed Repayments Interest, Charges & Fees

Detailed Financial Activity as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Period Financier Transaction Type Amount (US$)
Aug 12, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 579,968.25
Jul 1, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb -19,629.24
Aug 18, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 54,561.57
Jun 24, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 407,353.10
Jan 20, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 833,865.25
Aug 21, 2014 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 530,004.50
May 23, 2014 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 668,315.30
May 13, 2014 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 98,770.00
Dec 6, 2013 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 456,795.50
Feb 10, 2014 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 708,952.50
Oct 10, 2013 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 248,162.89
Jan 2, 2014 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 206,829.00
Nov 8, 2013 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 625,378.20
Nov 17, 2014 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 555,848.70
Aug 31, 2016 IDA-H7690 Loan Cancel 480,348.47
Aug 18, 2016 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb -403,014.97
Mar 7, 2016 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 213,349.52
Apr 1, 2016 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 344,094.25
Dec 23, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 65,854.51
Feb 3, 2016 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 503,367.80
Dec 17, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 358,417.75
Sep 28, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 575,601.75
May 8, 2012 IDA-H7690 Loan Commitment 11,850,000.00
Jan 19, 2006 IDA-H2000 Loan Commitment 15,000,000.00
Aug 27, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb -54,506.56
Jun 8, 2015 IDA-H7690 Loan Disb 96,293.15




Name Review Date
Procurement Satisfactory 2016-04-29
Counterpart Funding Satisfactory 2016-04-29
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory 2016-04-29
Project Management Satisfactory 2016-04-29
Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory 2016-04-29
Financial Management Satisfactory 2016-04-29
Monitoring and Evaluation Satisfactory 2016-04-29


Risk to Development OutcomeHigh
Bank PerformanceModerately Satisfactory
Borrower PerformanceModerately Satisfactory
Government PerformanceModerately Satisfactory
Implementing AgencyModerately Satisfactory


Outcome RatingSatisfactory N/a
Risk To Development OutcomeHighN/a
Bank PerformanceModerately SatisfactoryN/a
Borrower PerformanceModerately SatisfactoryN/a
Government PerformanceModerately SatisfactoryN/a
Implementing AgencyModerately SatisfactoryN/a
Icr QualitySubstantialN/a
M&e QualitySubstantialN/a

Results Framework


  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in DangharaValue38.0058.0047.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in IstaravshanValue73.0087.0096.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in KulyabValue21.0045.0023.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in Kurgan TubeValue38.0075.0042.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in VoseValue35.0070.0050.00
    DateApril 21, 2006April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in KanibodamValue58.0077.0095.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in GharmValue18.0032.0088.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in VahdatValue31.0049.0038.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Decrease of number of households receiving poor water quality (% of total population) in DangharaValue46.0023.0028.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Decrease of number of households receiving poor water quality (% of total population) in IstaravhsanValue56.0033.0036.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Decrease of number of households receiving poor water quality (% of total population) in VoseValue51.0028.0028.00
    DateApril 21, 2006March 30, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Decrease of number of households receiving poor water quality (% of total population) in KanibodamValue83.0049.0050.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Decrease of number of households receiving poor water quality (% of total population) in KulyabValue39.0013.0018.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Decrease of number of households receiving poor water quality (% of total population) in Kurgan TubeValue28.0011.0015.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Decrease of number of households receiving poor water quality (% of total population) in GarmValue6.003.005.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Decrease of number of households receiving poor water quality (% of total population) in VahdatValue16.005.007.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in number of population satisfied with water supply services (as % of total population) in DangharaValue56.0075.0070.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in number of population satisfied with water supply services (as % of total population) in IstaravshanValue13.0036.0024.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in number of population satisfied with water supply services (as % of total population) in GarmValue13.0035.0030.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in number of population satisfied with water supply services (as % of total population) in KanibodamValue8.0029.0028.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in number of population satisfied with water supply services (as % of total population) in KulyabValue44.0069.0064.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in number of population satisfied with water supply services (as % of total population) in Kurgan TubeValue45.0071.0067.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter for DangaraValue60.0079.0074.00
    DateFebruary 22, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter for IstravshanValue24.0044.0042.00
    DateFebruary 22, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in number of population satisfied with water supply services (as % of total population) in VahdatValue36.0059.0058.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in number of population satisfied with water supply services (as % of total population) in VoseValue40.0070.0064.00
    DateApril 21, 2006April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter for KanibadamValue2.0017.0017.00
    DateFebruary 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter for KulyabValue13.0045.0032.00
    DateFebruary 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter for Kurgun TyubeValue58.0075.0070.00
    DateFebruary 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter for Rasht (Garm)Value68.0084.0080.00
    DateFebruary 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter for VoseValue6.0070.0070.00
    DateFebruary 21, 2006April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter for VakhdatValue26.0045.0045.00
    DateFebruary 21, 2006June 30, 2014August 31, 2012
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) IstravshanValue15.003.886.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) KanibadamValue25.0011.4711.47
    DateApril 26, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) KulyabValue16.000.917.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) in DangaraValue9.000.050.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) in Kurgan TubeValue15.003.075.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) in Garm (Rasht)Value17.000.000.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) in VakhdatValue16.0010.7210.70
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) in VoseValue35.003.8020.00
    DateApril 21, 2006March 30, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in IstaravshanValue62.0024.0053.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Increase in the availability of water supply as expressed in percentage of population having at least 16 hours of water in both summer and winter in FarkhorValue0.0060.0080.00
    DateApril 21, 2006April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Percentage of households reporting poor water quality in FarkhorValue88.0040.0010.00
    DateMay 11, 2012April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Improved efficiency of participating utilities as measured by a reduction in energy consumption costs (as a percentage of total operating costs) FarkhorValue4.6213.7015.00
    DateMay 12, 2012September 30, 2015April 30, 2016
  • Improved solid waste management as percentage of population covered with solid waste collection services at least once a week in FarkhorValue0.0090.0090.00
    DateApril 21, 2006April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in KanibadamValue58.0017.0048.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in Rasht (Garm)Value65.0058.0055.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in VahdatValue60.0056.0050.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in DangaraValue65.0013.0056.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in KulyabValue67.0018.4058.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in Kurgan-TubeValue60.0056.0052.00
    DateApril 21, 2006July 27, 2012August 31, 2012
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in VoseValue60.0018.4052.00
    DateApril 21, 2006March 30, 2016August 31, 2015
  • Efficiency of water utilities measured through unaccounted for water in FarkhorValue91.0040.0050.00
    DateMay 11, 2012March 30, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Financial efficiency of the water utilities, measured through revenue to operating costs ratio in FarkhorValue0.390.961.10
    DateMay 11, 2012April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Financial efficiency of the water utilities, measured through revenue to operating costs ratio in VoseValue0.001.001.00
    DateApril 21, 2006April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Efficiency of water utilities, measured through reduction of energy costs per unit of water produced in FarkhorValue0.070.0620.06
    DateMay 11, 2012April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Length of river embankment rehabilitated by the government to mitigate risks associated with 2012 Spring floodingValue0.004500.004500.00
    DateApril 21, 2006April 20, 2016August 31, 2012
  • Customers rating of water supply services, expressed as percentage of customers rating the services as satisfactory in FarkhorValue31.0060.0080.00
    DateMay 11, 2012April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Direct project beneficiariesValue0.00221544.00236864.00
    DateMay 31, 2012April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Female beneficiariesValue0.0053.0053.00
    DateMay 31, 2012April 20, 2016April 30, 2016


  • Improved community water points constructed or rehabilitated under the projectValue1612.001766.001702.00
    DateMay 11, 2012April 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • New piped household water connections that are resulting from the project interventionValue0.0019448.0019618.00
    DateApril 12, 2006March 30, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Piped household water connections that are benefiting from rehabilitation works undertaken by the projectValue0.0038805.0041085.00
    DateMay 11, 2012March 30, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Number of metered connections in FarkhorValue0.001230.003400.00
    DateMay 11, 2012March 30, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Number of water utilities that the project is supportingValue0.009.009.00
    DateApril 12, 2006March 30, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Improvement of collection in DVKs (Dangara, Kurgan-Tube and Kulyab) due to introduction of payment system through mobile electronickiosks (measured through the percentage of electronic payments for wValue0.00100.0050.00
    DateApril 21, 2006March 30, 2016April 30, 2016
  • Number of people in urban areas provided with access to Improved Sanitation under the projectValue0.003373.000.00
    DateSeptember 28, 2012April 20, 2016April 20, 2016
  • FarkhorValue0.001933.000.00
    DateApril 20, 2016April 30, 2016
  • VoseValue0.001250.000.00
    DateApril 20, 2016April 30, 2016