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HT Electricity Project


The objective of the Electricity Loss Reduction Project is to contribute to the sustainable improvement in the quality of electricity services in Haiti to customers and to the strengthening of the financial and operational performance of the electricity public utility (EPH). The project will implement the following three components. The first component, improvement in the Electricite d'Haiti (EDH) management systems and practices towards a more customer...

* The project abstract is drawn from the PAD, SAR or PGD and may not accurately reflect the project's current nature

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Development Objective

Contribute to the sustainable improvement in the quality of electricity services to customers and to the strengthening of the financial and operational performance of the electricity public utility (EDH).

Key Details

Project Details

  • P098531

  • Closed

  • Frederic Verdol

  • N/A

  • Haiti

  • April 14, 2006

  • (as of board presentation)

    August 3, 2006

  • July 31, 2007

  • US$ 6.00 million

  • C

  • October 2, 2023

  • August 31, 2013


  • Notes


Financing Plan (US$ Millions)

No data available.
Financier Commitments
IDA Grant 6.00
Local Sources of Borrowing Country 1.47

Total Project Financing (US$ Millions)

Product Line IBRD/IDA
IBRD Commitment N/A
IDA Commitment 6.00
IBRD + IDA Commitment 6.00
Lending Instrument
Grant Amount N/A
Total Project Cost** 7.47

Summary Status of World Bank Financing (US$ Millions) as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Financier Approval Date Closing Date Principal Disbursed Repayments Interest, Charges & Fees

Detailed Financial Activity as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Period Financier Transaction Type Amount (US$)
Aug 3, 2006 IDA-H2510 Loan Commitment 6,000,000.00
Sep 26, 2013 IDA-H5100 Loan Disb 12,255.00
Sep 11, 2013 IDA-H2510 Loan Disb 64,869.58
Sep 10, 2013 IDA-H2510 Loan Disb 1,019,993.80
Sep 27, 2013 IDA-H2510 Loan Disb 23,851.31
Sep 8, 2009 IDA-H5100 Loan Commitment 5,000,000.00
Jan 31, 2014 IDA-H5100 Loan Cancel 620,173.10
Oct 3, 2013 IDA-H2510 Loan Disb 117,158.76
Dec 24, 2013 IDA-H5100 Loan Disb -667.58
Nov 6, 2013 IDA-H2510 Loan Disb -140.45
Sep 26, 2013 IDA-H5100 Loan Disb 34,367.00
Jan 31, 2014 IDA-H2510 Loan Cancel 508,163.72




Name Review Date
Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory 2013-09-12
Monitoring and Evaluation Moderately Satisfactory 2013-09-12
Procurement Satisfactory 2013-09-12
Project Management Moderately Satisfactory 2013-09-12
Financial Management Satisfactory 2013-09-12
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Unsatisfactory 2013-09-12
Counterpart Funding Satisfactory 2013-09-12


OutcomesModerately Unsatisfactory
Risk to Development OutcomeHigh
Bank PerformanceModerately Satisfactory
Borrower PerformanceModerately Unsatisfactory
Government PerformanceModerately Satisfactory
Implementing AgencyModerately Unsatisfactory


Outcome RatingUnsatisfactory N/a
Risk To Development OutcomeHighN/a
Bank PerformanceModerately UnsatisfactoryN/a
Borrower PerformanceModerately UnsatisfactoryN/a
Government PerformanceModerately UnsatisfactoryN/a
Implementing AgencyModerately UnsatisfactoryN/a
Icr QualitySatisfactoryN/a
M&e QualityModestN/a

Results Framework


  • Cash Recovery IndexValue11.5126.7040.00
    DateMarch 1, 2011July 1, 2013November 30, 2013
    CommentValue has been reset post earthquake. Average value over the last 12 months.Commercial progress on private clients could not compensate the increase of payment arrears from public entities.Value expected in April 2013, as an OIA (Tetra Tech) objective.
  • Percentage of customers served at least 6 hours per day on average in the zones served by EDHValue20%100%50%
    DateMarch 1, 2011July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentValue has been set post earthquake.Important variations, due to a fragile power system (Epower plant down since June 2013). Lowest value on one distribution circuitwas 8.3h/day in June 2013.


  • 1.1.Number of customers in CMS databaseValue0224,052185,315
    DateDecember 12, 2005July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentMajor improvement, thanks to the Commercial action plan implemented since October 2012.Value has to be reset post the earthquake.
  • 1.2. Number of customers in TSMS databaseValue0224,052180,315
    DateDecember 12, 2005July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentClients of the provinces in TSMS database, but tool not yet operational in these areas.Value has to be reset post the earthquake.
  • 1.3. Number of EDH employees trained to use CMS and TSMS (not cumulative)Value0296435
    DateDecember 12, 2005July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentRemaining staff to be trained are located in the provinces. As deployment of the CMS is considered by EDH management as a priorityaction (following the August 2013 gap analysis conducted under the Project), training of staff will start in September 2013.
  • 1.4. Active Customers/employee ratioValue8098100
    DateDecember 12, 2005July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    Comment184,000 customers for 2,300 employees, information available in the project PAD.As of July 2013, 224,502 clients for 2302 employees.Value to be adjusted with new commercial and financial recovery plans.
  • 5.2. Number of satisfied customers (large customers)ValueTBDTBD1,270
    DateDecember 12, 2005July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentNo baseline.Survey to will be conducted in September2013, for the Government's ICR.
  • 5.3. Employees satisfied with new systemValue0TBD625
    DateDecember 12, 2005July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentSurvey to will be conducted in September2013, for the Government's ICR.
  • TA to EDH managementValueSub standard proceduresGap analysis done, recommended new procedures for Implementation of new procedures for: - Financial
    DateDecember 18, 2009August 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentTA supported design and implementation of Commercial action plan 2012-2013 and Financial Audit 2013-2014.
  • Financial Management PlanValueNo financial management plan in placeEDH Financial tool by September 2013, Extensive fiImplementation of (i) an accounting system, (ii) d
    DateDecember 18, 2009August 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentAccounting assistance contract signed on May 13, 2013 with awarded firm. Results expected by February 2014.By end September 2013,a parallel financial audit will provide a tool to present scenarios for the next 2-3 fiscal years..
  • Small customers served at least six hours a day on averageValue100%50%
    DateJuly 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentMeasurement started in 2011.100% of industrial clients in the industrial zones have more than 12h/day
  • Percentage of large customers served at least 12 hours per day on averageValue60%
    DateApril 1, 2012February 28, 2013
    CommentThis measurement started in 2011.Not measured yet, remote meters will provide information in end 2012
  • Cash Recovery Index - large customersValue85%
    DateJuly 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentCRI indicator not estimated by customer type.Audit of 310inactive industrial customers showed 8% having a fraudulent use of service.
  • Number of large customers regularizedValue013201270
    DateDecember 12, 2005July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentSince 2012, 50 new industrial clients in the Port-au-Prince area.Total number of industrial customers may evolve.
  • Number of EDH employees trained to attend and follow up on large customersValue02820
    DateJanuary 12, 2010July 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentNo specific recurrent training for this frange of custumersA Large Clients Unit has been created, for individualized customer relationship .EDH willing to have a cell of 20 staff specialized in large priority customers.
  • Successful training of MTPTC staff to supervise performance indicatorsValueNot trainedEnergy Cell created in MTPTEC, coordinator of the Staff dedicated to sector performance review train
    DateDecember 18, 2009August 1, 2013August 31, 2013
    CommentBaseline is set on the day of effectiveness of the additional financing, which finances the MTPTC staffCoordinator to recruit team. Former Energy Unit staff who did performance indicators monitoring could be recruited.
  • Number of EDH employees satisfied with the projectValue0TBD1938
    DateDecember 12, 2005December 1, 2012February 28, 2013
    CommentSurveys will be conducted in April 2013.