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Geothermal Power Generation Development


The objective of the Geothermal Power Generation Development Project is to promote the expansion of economic and environmentally friendly geothermal power generation in Indonesia, and to reduce Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the power system. There are four components to the project. The first component is the policy framework for scaling-up the development of geothermal power. This component will assist the Government of Indonesia (GoI) in developing...

* The project abstract is drawn from the PAD, SAR or PGD and may not accurately reflect the project's current nature

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Development Objective

The development objective of the proposed project is to promote the expansion of economic and environmentally friendly geothermal power generation in Indonesia, and to reduce CO2 emission from the power system. The project will assist the GoI to prepare and implement its geothermal sector reform program designed to remove the key policy and institutional barriers which presently prevent greater development of geothermal resources, and will assist in the transaction of geothermal power investments. The global environment objective of the project is to promote on-grid electricity from geothermal sources, reducing the need for coal-based generation capacity and avoiding associated greenhouse gas emissions. The proposed project is expected to have a sizable immediate impact as well as sustained log-term benefits.

Key Details

Project Details

  • P099757

  • Closed

  • Nguyet Anh Pham

  • N/A

  • Indonesia

  • November 8, 2007

  • (as of board presentation)

    May 29, 2008

  • June 23, 2008

  • US$ 4.00 million

  • C

  • February 13, 2013

  • June 30, 2013


  • Notes


Financing Plan (US$ Millions)

No data available.
Financier Commitments
Global Environment Facility (GEF) 4.00
Borrower/Recipient 5.00

Total Project Financing (US$ Millions)

Product Line IBRD/IDA
IBRD Commitment N/A
IDA Commitment N/A
IBRD + IDA Commitment N/A
Lending Instrument
Grant Amount 4.00
Total Project Cost** 9.00

Summary Status of World Bank Financing (US$ Millions) as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Financier Approval Date Closing Date Principal Disbursed Repayments Interest, Charges & Fees

Detailed Financial Activity as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Period Financier Transaction Type Amount (US$)




Name Review Date
Monitoring and Evaluation Moderately Satisfactory 2013-06-25
Summary Global Objective Rating Unsatisfactory 2013-06-25
Procurement Moderately Unsatisfactory 2013-06-25
Counterpart Funding Satisfactory 2013-06-25
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Unsatisfactory 2013-06-25
Project Management Unsatisfactory 2013-06-25
Financial Management Moderately Unsatisfactory 2013-06-25


Risk to Development OutcomeSubstantial
Bank Performance
Borrower Performance
Government Performance
Implementing Agency


Outcome RatingUnsatisfactory N/a
Risk To Development OutcomeHighN/a
Bank PerformanceUnsatisfactoryN/a
Borrower PerformanceModerately UnsatisfactoryN/a
Government PerformanceModerately UnsatisfactoryN/a
Implementing AgencyModerately UnsatisfactoryN/a
Icr QualitySatisfactoryN/a
M&e QualityModestN/a

Results Framework




  • Relevant agencies for undertaking geothermal transactions trained through on-the-job programs as well as 5-10 workshops and seminarsValueN/AAchieved7 workshops held
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentSeveral workshops were organized on pricing isuesAchieved
  • Awareness raising and information dissemination activities about sector policies and business opportunities conducted through promotional campaigns including 5-10 stakeholder dialogue seminarsValueN/ACanceled7 workshops held
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentMEMR uses its own resources for the awareness program
  • Strategy for domestic geothermal technology development formulatedValueN/APartially achieved.Strategy drafted
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentAlternate approach whereby World Bank has assisted PGE, largest public geothermal developer, with separate capacity building grantto enhance its efficiency and reduce costs by meeting industry and international standards. This has been successfully completedwith the preparation of three projects. Private developers are not expected to need such assistance.
  • Installed geothermal power capacity (including financial closure) resulting from the investment transactions assisted by the ProjectValue0.000.00350.00
    DateJune 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentNo investment transactions supported by the project. The previous values were deleted as it was not supported by the project.Thetarget is unlikely to be achieved.
  • Reduction CO2 emissions by off-setting fossil fuel based power generation (i.e. coal) with geothermal powerValue0.000.002000000.00
    DateJune 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentNo reduction of CO2 emission is expected as no investment transactions supported by the project. The target is unlilkely to beachieved.
  • Pricing mechanism to provide adequate economic incentive developedValueN/AFIT mechanism issued in August 2012, but not applPricing mechanism applied in transactions
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentThe regulation is under revision by MEMR. It is not clear whether the new pricing mechanism will provide adequate incentives
  • Upstream resource risk mitigation mechanism developedValueN/AAchievedImplementation arrangement developed
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentMOF established Geothermal Funds to support upstream exploration activities using its own funds. Likely to be achieved
  • Implementation regulations of the Geothermal Law issuedValueN/AAchieved
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentRegulation GR59 is already issued.Promulgated
  • Model procedures and standardized documentation for competitive bidding of geothermal power transactions developedValueN/ACompletedApplied
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentDocumentation developed, but no transaction has been conducted to apply it.Potential change in regulation may require revision of the documents.
  • Structure offers to mobilize investments for additional geothermal power in fields that are controlled by existing operatorsValueN/ANot applicableTarget Achieved
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentAwait revision of pricing decision
  • Develop and implement a pilot transaction for one power project in a new geothermal field competitively tendered based on the Geothermal LawValueN/ANot applicableTarget achieved
    DateMay 29, 2008June 10, 2013June 30, 2013
    CommentNo transactions have taken place as the revision of the geothermal law is still pending to allow any new geothermal tendering.