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Development Forestry Sector Management Project

Development Objective

The PDO is to #assist the Beneficiary in building robust and transparent economic and fiscal governance structures as a foundation for good governance, and economic recovery and growth, within its forestry sector#.

Key Details

Project Details

  • P104287

  • Closed

  • Oliver Braedt

  • Forest Development Authority

  • Liberia

  • September 6, 2006

  • (as of board presentation)

    September 6, 2006

  • October 2, 2006

  • US$ 2.00 million

  • B

  • December 4, 2015

  • November 30, 2012


  • Notes


Financing Plan (US$ Millions)

No data available.
Financier Commitments
Special Financing 2.00

Total Project Financing (US$ Millions)

Product Line IBRD/IDA
IBRD Commitment N/A
IDA Commitment N/A
IBRD + IDA Commitment N/A
Lending Instrument
Grant Amount 2.00
Total Project Cost** 2.00

Summary Status of World Bank Financing (US$ Millions) as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Financier Approval Date Closing Date Principal Disbursed Repayments Interest, Charges & Fees

Detailed Financial Activity as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Period Financier Transaction Type Amount (US$)




Name Review Date
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Financial Management Moderately Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Counterpart Funding Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Procurement Moderately Satisfactory 2011-12-24
Project Management Moderately Unsatisfactory 2011-12-24
Monitoring and Evaluation Moderately Unsatisfactory 2011-12-24


Risk to Development OutcomeSubstantial
Bank Performance
Borrower Performance
Government Performance
Implementing Agency


No data available.

Results Framework


  • FDA financial and institutional reform designed, completed and operational (KPI)ValueForestry Law approvedFDA restructured according to international standaFDA restructured into a modern institution as per
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity has been completed. At the end of the project FDA will still need additional capacity building and institutionalstrengthening to be fully capable of implementing its mandate.
  • Concession management legislation reviewed and improved (KPI)ValueProvision of concessions unclearSupport to review of legislation process has been Better concession allocation process in place.
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity has been completed. No new concessions should be issued until fiscal framework is reviewed and revised (alsosupported by IMF).
  • Forestry Producer Associations (5) active in Forestry Districts strengthened through project collaboration (KPI)ValueNone2 SME networks have been established.Five producer associations strengthened.
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentForest Connect (implemented by FAO) is to foster associations among SMFEs across the country. Due to procurement and financialissues, achievements of this target are less than expected. 2 SME networks have been established in pilot areas, but none atnational level.
  • Chain of custody for export logs operated transparently (harvest to aboard ship) (KPI)ValueNoneCoC system operational.A financially viable CoC system in place and all t
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThe CoC financial viability is expected to be reached early 2012. However, while the system is ready for transfer, FDA still hascapacity gaps to be able to implement the system at this stage.
  • Forestry Certification Program Office functions on a voluntary base (KPI)ValueNoneCoC system operating.Logging companies are aware of the requirements of
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentNote that this indicator was adapted to integrate some of the other activities being implemented by LFI partners. Certification inthe forestry sector is still a pending policy and incentive issue.


  • Community forestry test pilot projects initiated and established (Comp 2)ValueNone10 pilot projects were implemented.Pilot projects operational within 10 communities.
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity has been completed.
  • Training plan for NGOs, MSME & concession holders for sustainable forest product processing designed and implemented (Comp 4)ValueNone10 SMEs established. Training provided through th20 NGOs, SMEs, concession holders received trainin
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity has been completed.
  • Private sector trained on forest management based on "3Cs" (Comp 4)ValueNo private sector enterprises trainined10 small scale community based enterprises trained10 small scale community based enterprises trained
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity has been completed.
  • NGOs supporting Forestry Sector Reform (Comp 6)Value2 NGOs6 NGOs involved in public support.10 NGOs support Forest Sector reform.
    DateOctober 2, 2006March 3, 2011June 30, 2011
    CommentThe project may fall short of delivering the target value of 10 NGOs. Multiple international and local NGOs are involved incommunity consultation, awareness raising, and dialogue on the 2006 National Forest Reform Law, and the 2009 Community Rights toForest Land Law. International NGOs participation is high and local NGO participation increasing.
  • Communities (started to) adopted sustainable alternative agro-forest production systems (Comp 3)Value0.008.0020.00
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentDue to procurement and financial issues, achievements of this target are less than expected.
  • Forestry Reform Monitoring Committee supported by the project (Comp 1)ValueNoneThe Forest Management Advisory Committee (FMAC) haAn effective oversight and advisory body to the re
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentFDA has not requested the available budget to provide support to FMAC.
  • Community forestry program designed and implemented (Comp 2)ValueNo community forestry program exsistsProgram on Community Based Enterprise Development Community forestry program established.
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentActivity completed.
  • Support needs for FDA community forestry division identified and adressed (Comp 2)ValueForestry division has no programThe Community Forestry division has been strengtheForestry division strengthened.
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity has been completed.
  • Subprojects for sustainble agro-forestry implemented (Comp 3)ValueNo projects15 projects in Nimba implemented.15 projects in Nimba implemented.
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentActivity has been completed. Note that the five projects in Lake Piso were not a part of this sub-component, this was only to beimplemented Nimba.
  • Public Communication Program created and implemented (Comp 6)ValueNo public communcations program for FDA existsPublic website for information access available, bPublic website for information access available an
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity has been partially completed. Temporary space has been provided for the center within the Fauna and FloraInternational headquarters. Inauguration is pending.
  • FDA and civil society partners trained in Public Communication Program (Comp 6)ValueNoneTrainings have been conducted.Two trainings conducted.
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity was completed in 2008.
  • Agriculture sector studyincluding an interface with forestry completedValueNo studyThe 2007 Comprehensive Assessment of the AgricultuAgriculture sector study completed.
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
  • Communities in bufferzone of Sapo NP benefitting from CDD interventionsValueNo social infrastructure10 communities received support.10 communities benefitted from social infrastructu
    DateOctober 2, 2006December 9, 2011December 31, 2011
    CommentThis activity has been completed.