Financier | Commitments |
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 300.00 |
Andrea Liverani
December 19, 2013
(as of board presentation)
December 19, 2013
December 20, 2013
US$ 300.00 million
Ministry of Economy and Finance,Ministry of General Affairs and Governance,Ministry of Energy Mines and Sustainable Development
US$ 300.00 million
December 6, 2023
December 31, 2014
Financier | Commitments |
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development | 300.00 |
Product Line | IBRD/IDA |
IBRD Commitment | 300.00 |
IDA Commitment | N/A |
IBRD + IDA Commitment | 300.00 |
Lending Instrument | |
Grant Amount | N/A |
Total Project Cost** | 300.00 |
Period | Financier | Transaction Type | Amount (US$) |
May 1, 2021 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Repay | 5,891,826.50 |
May 1, 2018 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 505,000.10 |
Nov 1, 2018 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 510,767.30 |
May 1, 2019 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 533,734.10 |
Nov 1, 2019 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 588,356.00 |
Nov 1, 2014 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 1,285,230.80 |
Dec 30, 2013 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Disb | 301,595,264.00 |
Dec 20, 2013 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Disb | 749,863.56 |
Dec 20, 2013 | IBRD-83250 | Fee Charges | 749,863.56 |
May 1, 2014 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 867,969.20 |
May 1, 2015 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 858,667.40 |
Nov 1, 2015 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 729,034.40 |
May 1, 2016 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 696,259.60 |
Nov 1, 2016 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 531,088.70 |
May 1, 2017 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 481,562.60 |
Nov 1, 2017 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 522,872.30 |
May 1, 2024 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 4,744,081.00 |
May 1, 2024 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Repay | 5,203,634.00 |
Dec 19, 2013 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Commitment | 300,000,000.00 |
Nov 1, 2022 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Repay | 4,846,613.00 |
Nov 1, 2022 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 427,035.20 |
May 1, 2023 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 2,929,846.00 |
May 1, 2023 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Repay | 5,369,707.50 |
Nov 1, 2023 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Repay | 5,144,618.00 |
Nov 1, 2023 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 4,373,650.00 |
Nov 1, 2021 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 260,753.69 |
Nov 1, 2021 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Repay | 5,643,814.00 |
May 1, 2022 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Repay | 5,152,909.50 |
May 1, 2022 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 217,857.95 |
May 1, 2020 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 426,921.90 |
Nov 1, 2020 | IBRD-83250 | Loan Repay | 5,693,319.00 |
Nov 1, 2020 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 681,602.56 |
May 1, 2021 | IBRD-83250 | Int Charges | 234,852.72 |
Name | Review | Date |
Program Management | Satisfactory | 2014-08-25 |
Monitoring and Evaluation | Satisfactory | 2014-08-25 |
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) | Satisfactory | 2014-08-25 |
Progress towards achievement of PDO | Satisfactory | 2014-08-25 |
Outcomes | Moderately Satisfactory |
Risk to Development Outcome | Modest |
Bank Performance | Moderately Satisfactory |
Borrower Performance | Moderately Satisfactory |
Government Performance | Not Applicable |
Implementing Agency | Not Applicable |
Outcome Rating | Moderately Satisfactory | N/a |
Risk To Development Outcome | Modest | N/a |
Bank Performance | Moderately Satisfactory | N/a |
Borrower Performance | Moderately Satisfactory | N/a |
Government Performance | Moderately Satisfactory | N/a |
Implementing Agency | Moderately Satisfactory | N/a |
Icr Quality | Substantial | N/a |
M&e Quality | Substantial | N/a |
# of regional coastal zone management plans approved | Value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | ICZM Law will soon be discussed in parliamentary commission and the related Decree prepared in parallel. The National Coastal ZoneManagement Plan will then be adopted, and declined into Regional plans. |
# of regional maritime fisheries control and enforcementplans approved | Value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 18.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | The Law on illegal fishing was promulgated by Parliament and published in the National Gazette on May 26, 2014. The NationalMonitoring Plan for Marine Fisheries is being prepared. Regional plans will follow. |
# of aquifers (nappes) in which groundwater abstractionis regulated by an aquifer a greement among ‘large’ water consumers | Value | 1.00 | 1.00 | 3.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | 2 aquifer agreements (in Dakhla and Fès-Meknès) are in a very advanced stage. |
% of new buildings (hospitals, residential, tertiary) builtafter the publication of the Decree and integrating EE requirements | Value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | As the decree will enter into force one year after approval (November 2014, therefore no impact can be assessed at this stage). |
# of products subject to green taxes | Value | 2.00 | 2.00 | 4.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | A dedicated working group between MoF and Department of Environment (with TA from the Bank) has met several times to narrow downthe list of products that would be candidates for green taxes. |
# of ecotourism sector jobs created (2013-2016) gender disaggregated | Value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 100.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 23, 2016 | |
Comment | The MoU on the Qariati Program has been finalized and the financial commitment from several institutional partners confirmed. Thesignature should take place in September 2014. Given delays in the MOU signature, the end target will need to be revised downwards. |
Total capacity of distributedmedium-and low-tensiongrid-connected photovoltaic systems (in MW) | Value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | The analytical studies underpinning the draft Law and the Decree will be shared with the Bank team by the end of July. |
Total subsidy envelope todiesel, gasoline and in dustrial fuel (in % of GDP) | Value | 3.00 | 3.00 | 2.50 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | The Government has implemented further subsidy reductions on gasoline, diesel and HFO. |
Reduction in industrial pollution (as measured by tons ofBOD5 abated yearly) | Value | 20.00 | 144.00 | 200.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | This value only takes the ABC project into account (the contribution from the GPC project will be added once performance testshavebeen carried out). |
Share of the envelope allocated to direct seeders in the total FDA envelope allocated to seeders (traditional and direct) | Value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 16.90 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment |
Share of DMN revenues from agro-meteorological services | Value | 4.00 | 4.00 | 15.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | It is possible that the end target will need to be revised down if the MOU between ag and meteo takes a more gradual approach totransferring of met services. |
#of industries having submitted a funding request to the Voluntary Industrial Depollution Mechanism | Value | 0.00 | 3.00 | 3.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | 2 projects have already been implemented (in Oujda and Ait-Melloul) and a third one is being implemented in Zaio. |
# of aquaculture sector jobs created (2013-2016),gender disaggregated | Value | 115.00 | 115.00 | 460.00 |
Date | December 2, 2013 | June 27, 2014 | December 30, 2016 | |
Comment | The target is likely to be exceeded, as between 700 and 800 jobs are expected to be created before the end of 2015 through 10investments. |