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Tuvalu Aviation Investment Project - Additional Financing

Development Objective

To improve the safety and security of air transport and associated infrastructure.

Key Details

Project Details

  • P145310

  • Closed

  • Christopher Bennett

  • N/A

  • Tuvalu

  • August 24, 2013

  • (as of board presentation)

    November 1, 2013

  • N/A

  • US$ 6.06 million

  • B

  • July 15, 2021

  • June 15, 2023

  • No


  • P128940

  • Notes


Financing Plan (US$ Millions)

No data available.
Financier Commitments
IDA Grant 6.06

Total Project Financing (US$ Millions)

Product Line IBRD/IDA
IBRD Commitment N/A
IDA Commitment 6.06
IBRD + IDA Commitment 6.06
Lending Instrument
Grant Amount N/A
Total Project Cost** 6.06

Summary Status of World Bank Financing (US$ Millions) as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Financier Approval Date Closing Date Principal Disbursed Repayments Interest, Charges & Fees

Detailed Financial Activity as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Period Financier Transaction Type Amount (US$)




No data available.


No data available.


No data available.

Results Framework


  • Roads rehabilitated, Non-ruralValue0.000.007.40
    DateMay 23, 2013May 23, 2013June 30, 2015
    CommentInvestments have not commenced.
  • Roads in good and fair condition as a share of total classified roadsValue50.0050.00100.00
    DateMay 23, 2013May 23, 2013June 30, 2015
    CommentEstimate based on road condition survey.Investments have not commenced.
  • Roads rehabilitated, RuralValue0.000.008.00
    DateMay 23, 2013May 23, 2013June 30, 2015
    CommentInvestments have not commenced.
  • Size of the total classified networkValue15.400.0015.40
    DateMay 23, 2013May 23, 2013June 30, 2015
  • Indicator One: ICAO certification of safety and security at project airportsValueFUN currently not certifiedFUN currently not certifiedCertification of airports in accordance with agree
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2016
    CommentInvestments have not commenced. Design work nearing completion and major procurements to start later in 2013. Project on track tomeet target.
  • Indicator Two: Resolution of safety concerns at participating airports reaches global ICAO averageValue95.0095.0049.00
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2016
    CommentBaseline value assumed based on TongaInvestments have not commenced but project on track to meet target. Design work nearing completion and major procurements to startlater in 2013.
  • Indicator Three: Modernization of air traffic managementValueNo VSAT or ADS-BNo VSAT or ADS-BVSAT and ADS-B operational
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentVSAT design consultant recruitment in final stages. Preliminary design of ADS-B prepared. Project on track to meet target.
  • Indicator Four: Implementation of a regional safety levy for international passengersValueNo levyNo levyAU$5 collected from each departing international p
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentImplementation is overdue. Plan for implementing levy being submitted to cabinet for their urgent attention. TFSU will help withpracticalities of implementing the levy.Target date for implementation changed to 2014 from 2013.


  • Component A - Intermediate Result indicator Five: Number of kilometers of paved roads improvedValue0.000.0015.40
    DateMay 23, 2013May 23, 2013June 30, 2015
    CommentInvestments have not commenced.
  • Component A: Intermediate Result indicator Two: Rehabilitation of Funafuti runwayValue0.0010.00100.00
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentInvestments have not commenced. Design finalized and bidding documents under preparation. Anticipate bidding late 2013 once Tongadesigns are completed.
  • Component A: Intermediate Result indicator One: Navigation and safety aids fully operationalValue0.0010.00100.00
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2015
    CommentInvestments have not commenced. Design report submitted. Waiting for finalization of Kiribati and Tonga designs to startprocurement. Project on track to meet target.
  • Component A: Intermediate Result indicator Three: Achievement of Fire StandardsValueN/ANot achieved.Category 5
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentOrdering of fire uniforms and other gear under way. GoTv now looking to procure a refurbished fire tender with funding from NewZealand.
  • Component A: Intermediate Result indicator Four: Funafuti terminal and control tower upgradeValue0.0010.00100.00
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2015
    CommentConceptual terminal design agreed on. Detailed design now commencing.To ensure adequate site distance control tower now to beseparate building. Detailed design will commence after restructuring. Project on track to meet target.
  • Component B: Intermediate Result indicator One: Successful implementation of agreed training planValueNo training planNo training planTraining plan completed
    DateDecember 13, 2011May 23, 2013June 30, 2016
    CommentTraining Needs Assessment not satisfactorily completed by consultant so waiting on final version acceptable to fully commencetraining program. In the interim, key training has been done.