Financier | Commitments |
IDA Credit | 2.90 |
Borrower/Recipient | 9.47 |
IDA Grant | 54.10 |
Sevara Melibaeva
May 15, 2014
(as of board presentation)
June 25, 2014
US$ 66.47 million
US$ 57.00 million
November 1, 2023
November 30, 2017
Financier | Commitments |
IDA Credit | 2.90 |
Borrower/Recipient | 9.47 |
IDA Grant | 54.10 |
Product Line | IBRD/IDA |
IBRD Commitment | N/A |
IDA Commitment | 57.00 |
IBRD + IDA Commitment | 57.00 |
Lending Instrument | |
Grant Amount | N/A |
Total Project Cost** | 66.47 |
Share of rural population with access to an all-season road | Value | 36.86 | 38.00 | 41.00 |
Date | September 15, 2012 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2017 | |
Comment | Baseline set, extra GIS checks being undertaken to confirm robustness of numbers with rural population projection checks anddistribution. | GIS results | New end target of 41 percent |
Roads in good and fair condition as a share of total classified roads | Value | 29.00 | 30.00 | 32.00 |
Date | December 31, 2011 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2016 | |
Comment | This indicator is reported for all classified roads in the country. Baseline 2011: 6992km in good or fair condition (MTi data)outof total 23647km of classified roads. | From MTi data, 6999km in good or fair condition out of 23674km of total classified roads. If only basic core network considered(7985km), percentage in good and fair is 88%. | This indicator is reported for all classified roads in the country. |
Increase in the share of the rural population indicating satisfaction with the quality of the road network | Value | 13.50 | 13.50 | 70.00 |
Date | September 15, 2013 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2016 | |
Comment | Survey results in. Data cleaned up to ensure robustness of chosen baseline value. Index taken from questions related torespondentson 5 project roads about condition of road, bus ride conditions and difficulties in moving between communities | Indicator results will be measured again when targeted rural roads where baseline surveys were done are completed. | Target increase of 70 percent in satisfaction with the quality of the roads at completion. |
Number of rural people with access to an all-season road | Value | 945831.00 | 989162.00 | 1019135.00 |
Date | September 15, 2012 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2017 | |
Comment |
Size of the total classified network | Value | 23647.00 | 24033.00 | 23800.00 |
Date | December 31, 2011 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2016 | |
Comment |
Time taken to disburse funds requested by the Government for an eligible emergency | Value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 4.00 |
Date | November 30, 2017 | |||
Comment | Maximum 4 weeks to disburse. |
Roads rehabilitated, Non-rural | Value | 0.00 | 14.00 | 63.00 |
Date | March 4, 2012 | April 15, 2014 | November 30, 2017 | |
Comment | improved reliability of the transport infrastructure by surfacing to more durable options: km asphalted under periodic maintenance | 14k of periodic maintenance works completed on Muy Muy-Boaco. | Target km changed to reflect extra allocation of additional financing. |
Increase in opportunities for short term employment and empowerment | Value | 0.00 | 664.00 | 2840.00 |
Date | December 31, 2011 | April 15, 2014 | November 30, 2017 | |
Comment | Additional number employed in MCAs. | 520 employment opportunities created in 26 MCAs to date. Of these 201 are women (23 percent). | End target revised upwards due to extra civil works. |
Roads constructed, Rural | Value | 0.00 | 32.00 | 185.00 |
Date | March 4, 2012 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2017 | |
Comment | Improved reliability of the transport infrastructure by surfacing to more durable options: km upgraded to adoquines standard | 32km of rural roads constructed with adoquine/concrete surfacing to date. | Target changed to reflect Additional financing extra financing. |
Reductions in travel times on improved rural roads under free flow conditions | Value | 2.29 | 1.88 | 1.50 |
Date | March 4, 2012 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2016 | |
Comment | Revised baseline of 2.29 hours established for free travel time on 90.53 km including all parent project roads and priorconstructed km on Quebranda Sao Francisco Libre, and using Leon-Lechecuagos and Leon-La Ceiba in lieu of Mina El Limon financedseparately. | Measurement of travel time savings in line with progress on surfacing of roads for the 90.53km. |
Detailed road inventory and condition survey of core road network completed and uploaded into MTI database | Value | None | Yes | Yes |
Date | March 4, 2012 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2016 | |
Comment | MTI has a road inventory with GIS interface, and condition survey uploaded for core road network. Detailed reports producedannually. Extra survey efforts to be undertaken and equipment renewed under project |
Design manual for managing geotechnical risks in road projects finalized | Value | None | None | Finalized |
Date | March 4, 2012 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2016 | |
Comment | ToRs for this being prepared. |
FOMAV reform study completed | Value | None | No | Yes |
Date | March 4, 2012 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2016 | |
Comment | Short list prepared. Now in phase of request for technical and financial proposals. |
Comprehensive adoquines road program finalized and report published | Value | None | No | Yes |
Date | March 4, 2012 | September 15, 2013 | November 30, 2016 | |
Comment | This critical program is to be prepared immediately upon completion of the National Transport Master Plan work (with program studyto be initiated in early 2014) |
Additional number of MTI and FOMAV trained | Value | 0 | 27 | 40 |
Date | March 4, 2012 | April 15, 2014 | November 30, 2017 | |
Comment | Target revised upwards. |
Percentage of women in MCAs | Value | 19.00 | 23.00 | 26.00 |
Date | December 31, 2011 | April 15, 2014 | November 30, 2017 | |
Comment |
km of roads under result based routine maintenance | Value | 0.00 | 0.00 | 75.00 |
Date | April 15, 2014 | May 15, 2014 | October 30, 2017 | |
Comment |