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Cambodia Second Health Sector Support Program-Additional Financing 2

Development Objective

To support the implementation of the Government's Health Strategic Plan 2008-2015 in order to improve health outcomes throughstrengthening institutional capacity and mechanisms by which the Government and Program Partners can achieve more effective andefficient sector performance.

Key Details

Project Details

  • P150472

  • Closed

  • Somil Nagpal

  • N/A

  • Cambodia

  • September 2, 2014

  • (as of board presentation)

    September 11, 2014

  • N/A

  • US$ 12.70 million

  • B

  • October 16, 2023

  • June 12, 2014


  • P102284

  • Notes


Financing Plan (US$ Millions)

No data available.
Financier Commitments
Cambodia - Free-standing Trust Fund Program 12.70

Total Project Financing (US$ Millions)

Product Line IBRD/IDA
IBRD Commitment N/A
IDA Commitment N/A
IBRD + IDA Commitment N/A
Lending Instrument
Grant Amount 12.70
Total Project Cost** 12.70

Summary Status of World Bank Financing (US$ Millions) as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Financier Approval Date Closing Date Principal Disbursed Repayments Interest, Charges & Fees

Detailed Financial Activity as of February 28, 2025

No data available.
Period Financier Transaction Type Amount (US$)




Name Review Date
Procurement Moderately Satisfactory 2016-06-21
Project Management Satisfactory 2016-06-21
Monitoring and Evaluation Moderately Satisfactory 2016-06-21
Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory 2016-06-21
Financial Management Satisfactory 2016-06-21
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory 2016-06-21


No data available.


No data available.

Results Framework


  • Number and percentage of MoH central institutions and provinces submitting AOP and 3 YRPs according to schedule and MoH formatValue79.00100.0095.00
    DateDecember 31, 2008February 28, 2014January 1, 2014
    CommentAOP 2014 was approved on time.
  • Technical content and results focus on AOP process improves, based on MTR and Final EvaluationValuePADEnd Evaluations
    DateDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    Comment2008AOP planning has improved but still short of linkages to results in trainings and operating costs activities.


  • AOP resource allocation reflecting HSP2 and JAPR priorities (1.MCH; 2.CD; and 3.NCDs)ValueDPHI 2008 1: 3.9% 2: 20.2% 3: 0.5%MCH: $79.7 million (22%)CDC: $176 million (48%)N1. increase in MCH 2. Level maintained 3. Increase
    DateDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2013December 31, 2013
    CommentThese numbers include RGC budget and Health partners funding support. JAPR 2014
  • Rate of Program execution for both pooled Development Partner (DP) and Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) fundsValueDPs: 85% (AOP 2008 and ODA database) RGC: 91%RGC: 93%DP (HSSP2 Pooled): 57%DPs: 95%; RGC: 95%
    DateDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentIFR Quarter 4, 2013.JAPA 2014. This data is more updated than RF attached to aide memoire seq No 7.
  • Share of operating cost budget reaching contracting ODsValueNot applicable100%100%
    DateDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentIFR quarter 4, 2013.
  • Proportion of Operational Districts (ODs) implementing serivce delivery grants (SDGs) and internal contracting meeting at least 80%of their performance targetsValueNA100%100%
    DateDecember 31, 2008June 30, 2012June 30, 2014
  • Financial Management Improvement Plan developed and implementedValueNot applicable.The FMIP will now be aligned with the PFM reform. FMIP Implemented
    DateDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
  • Selected key HSP2 indicators disaggregated by gender and locationValue2008 figure to be established based on 2009 JAPR rPHDs and ODs: YesSex: Yes (for selected indictorsTo be established
    DateDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentWeb-based HMIS system provides data by location (province and health operational district level) and by sex for selcted HSP2indictors. The indicators and results framework will be simplified under the Additional Financing (AF-Phase 2)
  • Health personnel receiving training (number)Value0.0022205.000.00
    DateDecember 31, 2007December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentSource: HSSP2 RF, final result for 2013.End target can be determined only when MoH delivers a Training Strategy and Plan.
  • People with access to a basic package of health, nutrition, or reproductive health services (number)Value152213.001417495.000.00
    DateDecember 31, 2007December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentJAPR report 2014.This indicator is not in the Project Result Framework, it will be added into Result Framework for the secondadditional financing.To be determined
  • Health facilities constructed, renovated, and/or equipped (number)Value0.000.00144.00
    DateDecember 31, 2007June 30, 2012June 30, 2014
    Comment99 Health Centers, 7 health posts expected to be completed by Dec 2012, and 2 RTCs by mid 2013. Additional HCs and deliveryrooms will be contracted out in 2013.
  • Children immunized (number)Value0.00326668.000.00
    DateDecember 31, 2007December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentCDHS 2005- 60%This is the result of DPT-HepB3 vaccination. DPT-HepB3This indicator is not in the Project Result Framework, it will be addedinto Result Framework for the second additional financing.End of project target for fully immunized has not been set. End of project target for DPT-HepB3 is 95%
  • Pregnant women receiving antenatal care during a visit to a health provider (number)Value291853.00312151.000.00
    DateDecember 31, 2009December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentANC2 visitsBase line- 68% (2007. HSP2)ANC2 Updated HSSP2 result framework for 2013. This indicator is not in the Project Result Framework, it will be added intoResultFramework for the second additional financing.Target - 84%(Pre-JAPA 2011)
  • Annual health planning summits (JAPR and JAPA) conducted with wide stakeholder participationValueJAPR: conducted annuallyJAPA: NoJAPR: conductedJAPA: No
    DateDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2013
    CommentJAPR: Joint Annual Performance ReviewJAPA: Joint Annual Planning AppraisalJAPR was conducted annually for 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.JAPA was conducted in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 but not in 2013because HSSP2 pooled fund was limited and earmarked to some specific activities.
  • Percentage of HSP2 indicators that have baseline and targetsValueBaseline: 48 out of 68 indicators or 70%Baselines: 2009: 83%; 2010: 98%; 2011: 98%; 2012:100%
    DateDecember 31, 2008December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
    CommentNo target setBoth baselines and targets declined in 2013 because of new indicators added.
  • Number of Health Personnel receiving POC paymentsValue0.000.00247.00
    DateDecember 31, 2007December 31, 2013June 30, 2014
  • Percent and number of children under 1 year immunized with DPT-HepB3Value0.0095.0095.00
    DateDecember 31, 2007December 31, 2013June 30, 2014