The objective of the Strengthening of Social Forestry in Indonesia Project for Indonesia is to improve access to forest land use rights and strengthen community. The Project has three components. 1. Policy and institutional strengthening to support social forestry component will create an enabling environment for the successful development and strengthening of social forestry in Indonesia, and to allow for future sustainable scale-up of activities...
* The project abstract is drawn from the PAD, SAR or PGD and may not accurately reflect the project's current nature
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve access to forest land use rights and strengthen community management in selected priority areas allocated for social forestry.
1. Total project cost includes funding from World Bank and non-bank sources in US$ millions. Active and Closed projects show current commitments. Proposed (pipeline) and dropped projects show the forecast amount. The commitment amount for projects in the pipeline is indicative and may be modified during the project preparation.
2. Borrower refers to the Borrower of a Loan or Recipient of a Grant.
3. ”Fiscal Year” is the fiscal year in which the project was approved (or dropped if the status is dropped). The World Bank's fiscal year is from July 1 - June 30. For example, a fiscal year of 1996 corresponds to July 1, 1995 - June 30, 1996.