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Project TitleCountryProject IDCommitment AmountStatusApproval DateLast updated DateLast Stage Reached
Geospatial Infrastructure for Sustainable Territorial DevelopmentUzbekistanP50680335000000.00PipelineMay 15, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Electricity Distribution Improvement and Strengthening through Commercialization and TransformationUzbekistanP504630100000000.00PipelineMay 15, 2025BEGIN NEGOTIATION
National Irrigation and Energy Efficiency Improvement ProjectUzbekistanP504600200000000.00PipelineMay 15, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Uzbekistan - Khorezm Solar IPP ProjectUzbekistanP181627ActiveDecember 16, 2024December 22, 2024BANK APPROVED
Second Inclusive and Resilient Market Economy Development Policy OperationUzbekistanP501037800000000.00ActiveOctober 3, 2024BANK APPROVED
Uzbekistan Education System Capacity Building (SCB) ProjectUzbekistanP1816022200000.00ActiveJune 27, 2024January 30, 2024BANK APPROVED
INnovative SOcial Protection System for inclusiON of Vulnerable People ProjectUzbekistanP504420102000000.00ActiveMay 24, 2024BANK APPROVED
Uzbekistan Solar and Renewable Energy Storage ProjectUzbekistanP181434ActiveJanuary 3, 2024December 19, 2024BANK APPROVED
First Inclusive and Resilient Market Economy Development Policy OperationUzbekistanP180470800000000.00ActiveDecember 7, 2023July 13, 2023BANK APPROVED
Uzbekistan Digital Inclusion ProjectUzbekistanP17910850000000.00ActiveNovember 27, 2023July 24, 2023BANK APPROVED
Innovative Carbon Resource Application For Energy TransitionUzbekistanP18043246250000.00ActiveJune 27, 2023October 2, 2023BANK APPROVED
Uzbekistan Syrdarya Efficient Power Generation ProjectUzbekistanP174323ActiveMay 9, 2023December 19, 2024BANK APPROVED
Second Livestock Sector Development ProjectUzbekistanP177825240000000.00ActiveApril 20, 2023January 23, 2024BANK APPROVED
Uzbekistan Scaling Solar 2 Independent Power ProducerUzbekistanP174322ActiveMarch 7, 2023December 19, 2024BANK APPROVED
Advancing Uzbekistan's Economic and Social Transformation Development Policy OperationUzbekistanP179007950000000.00ClosedDecember 14, 2022May 5, 2023BANK APPROVED
Clean Energy for Buildings in UzbekistanUzbekistanP176060143000000.00ActiveJune 24, 2022January 24, 2024BANK APPROVED
Uzbekistan Financial Sector Reform ProjectUzbekistanP17361915000000.00ActiveMay 24, 2022February 29, 2024BANK APPROVED
Second Rural Enterprise Development ProjectUzbekistanP176017200000000.00ActiveMarch 22, 2022January 1, 2024BANK APPROVED
Strengthening the Statistical System of UzbekistanUzbekistanP17345050000000.00ActiveFebruary 16, 2022October 5, 2023BANK APPROVED
Accelerating Uzbekistan's Transition Development Policy OperationUzbekistanP176353400000000.00ClosedDecember 16, 2021June 24, 2024BANK APPROVED