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Project TitleCountryProject IDCommitment AmountStatusApproval DateLast updated DateLast Stage Reached
RETRADE-EAPP MPA Phase 2: Ethiopia-Somalia Interconnector ProjectEastern and Southern AfricaP179036230000000.00PipelineMarch 20, 2026June 23, 2023CONCEPT REVIEW
You RISE - Youth Resilience, Inclusion, Support and EmpowermentSeychellesP50757810000000.00PipelineMarch 18, 2026CONCEPT REVIEW
Dorjilung Hydro-electrical Power ProjectBhutanP501271500000000.00PipelineMarch 12, 2026CONCEPT REVIEW
Fostering Economic Inclusion for Resilient Growth in Sri LankaSri LankaP5097584730000.00PipelineJanuary 30, 2026CONCEPT REVIEW
Integrated Resilient Development ProjectViet NamP509666141060000.00PipelineDecember 31, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
India: Haryana Clean Air Project for Sustainable DevelopmentIndiaP510686305000000.00PipelineDecember 18, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Sustainable Management of Substances Controlled by the Montreal ProtocolViet NamP17940212813547.00PipelineDecember 16, 2025June 20, 2023CONCEPT REVIEW
Bhutan Livable and Resilient Cities ProgramBhutanP50684148000000.00PipelineDecember 12, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Brazilian States and Municipalities Digital Acceleration ProjectBrazilP508363500000000.00PipelineDecember 11, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Kosovo Energy Efficiency FundKosovoP1811893230250.00PipelineDecember 10, 2025August 29, 2023CONCEPT REVIEW
Yemen Improved Water Management and Irrigation for Sustainability and Efficiency ProjectYemen, Republic ofP505562150.00PipelineDecember 8, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
West Africa Coastal Areas Blue Economy and Resilience Multi-Phased ProgramWestern and Central AfricaP509153800000000.00PipelineDecember 4, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Metro Dhaka Water Security and Resilience ProgramBangladeshP506770350000000.00PipelineDecember 4, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Renewable Energy Development Project - Phase 2Kyrgyz RepublicP509365500000.00PipelineNovember 28, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
SAHEL RESILAND CHAD: Building Resilience through Sustainable Natural Resource ManagementChadP509357109310000.00PipelineNovember 28, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Senegal River Valley Connectivity and Integration ProjectWest Africa IP181519195000000.00PipelineNovember 26, 2025October 26, 2023CONCEPT REVIEW
Mauritania Resilience and Productive Safety Nets Program (MRPSNP)MauritaniaP50883130000000.00PipelineNovember 14, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
Tocantins Productive Resilient and Inclusive Development ProjectBrazilP509041120000000.00PipelineNovember 13, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW
RETRADE-EAPP MPA Phase 1: Uganda-Tanzania Interconnector ProjectEastern and Southern AfricaP171243515000000.00PipelineNovember 3, 2025January 24, 2023CONCEPT REVIEW
Santa Catarina Climate ResilienceBrazilP508221119600000.00PipelineOctober 31, 2025CONCEPT REVIEW