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Secondary Education Project


The Secondary Education Project's objective is to increase the number of students from disadvantaged groups who graduate from public and private secondary schools with higher performance. There are five components in this project. First, expanding access to secondary education comprises all civil works activities related to the construction of day secondary schools. This component will finance all school facilities, furniture and equipment, library...

* Os resumos dos projetos são tirados do PAD, SAR ou PGD e talvez não reflitam com exatidão a natureza atual do projeto

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Objetivo de Desenvolvimento

DO Indicators:As stated in earlier PSRs in the PAD LogFrame, the Development Objective is to increase the number of students from disadvantaged groups who graduate from public and private secondary schools with higher performance. Two key D.O. indicators were identified: (a) the percentage of the age-cohort finishing secondary education (targetted to increase from a baseline of 15%, to 26% by the end of 2003); and (b) Girls completing secondary education (targetted to increase from a baseline of 29%, to 40% by the year 2003).In the DCA, on the other hand, 'The objectives of the Project are to support the Borrower's plan to expand and improve secondary education (through the four substantive project components)'. The DCA includes only output indicators, and omits the D.O. indicators from the PAD. While the PAD and DCA are each internally consistent, the variation between them has created a continuing problem for the evaluation of this operation. Finally the nominator and denominator used for the base line percentages are not included in neither the PAD nor DCA.We have decided that the DO indicators presented in the PAD would govern the assessment of the DO. Furthermore to provide a better overview the focus on improving outcomes would be monitored. Thus in summary these are the indicators:(i),,,,Total number of Completers/School age population ,,,,(17 years old) in all secondary schools (ii),,,,Girl completers/total number of completers (iii),,Girls pass rate (MSCE) in conventional schools (MANEB)Based on existing data for calculating the PDO (i) in the PAD will imply that the baseline is 13%.

Chave Detalhes

Projeto Detalhes

  • P001670

  • Closed

  • Carlos A. Rojas

  • N/A

  • Malaui

  • 31 de outubro de 1994

  • (conforme apresentação da Diretoria Executiva)

    24 de março de 1998

  • 19 de agosto de 1998

  • US$ 48.20 milhões

  • C

  • 20 de dezembro de 2023

  • 31 de dezembro de 2005


  • Notes


Plano De Financiamento (US$ Milhões)

Não há dados disponíveis
Financiador Compromissos
IDA Credit 48.20

Financiamento total do projeto (US$ milhões)

Linha de produtos BIRD/AID
Compromisso do BIRD N/A
Compromissos da AID 48.20
Compromisso do BIRD + AID 48.20
Instrumento de empréstimo
Montante do subsídio N/A
Custo total do projeto** 54.70

Resumo da situação do financiamento do Banco Mundial (em US$ milhões) em 28 de fevereiro de 2025

Não há dados disponíveis
Financiador Data Da Aprovação Data De Encerramento Principal Desembolsado Pagamentos Juros, Custos E Taxas

Atividade financeira detalhada em 28 de fevereiro de 2025

Não há dados disponíveis
Período Financiador Tipo De Transção Montante (US$)




Name Review Date
Procurement Moderately Satisfactory 2005-12-28
Counterpart Funding Moderately Unsatisfactory 2005-12-28
Project Management Moderately Satisfactory 2005-12-28
Monitoring and Evaluation Moderately Unsatisfactory 2005-12-28
Financial Management Moderately Unsatisfactory 2005-12-28
Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory 2005-12-28
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory 2005-12-28


Não há dados disponíveis


Classificação De ResultadosModerately Unsatisfactory Moderately Satisfactory
Risco Para O Resultado De DesenvolvimentoSignificantNot Rated
Desempenho Do Banco MundialModerately SatisfactorySatisfactory
Desempenho Do MutuárioUnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory
Desempenho Do GovernoUnsatisfactoryUnsatisfactory
Entidade ExecutoraNot RatedUnsatisfactory
Qualidade Da RciNot RatedSatisfactory
Qualidade M&eNot RatedNot Rated

Estrutura de Resultados

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