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AR: Fourth Social Protection Project


The Fourth Social Protection Project aims at: a) building capacities in poor communities to better manage the process to improve their welfare: b) providing poor communities with technical assistance and grants for beneficiary-identified small scale subprojects that will meet specific needs; and c) improving the focus and management of social programs. The project consists of two components. First, Participatory Social Investment Fund Phase Two (FOPAR-2)...

* Os resumos dos projetos são tirados do PAD, SAR ou PGD e talvez não reflitam com exatidão a natureza atual do projeto

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Objetivo de Desenvolvimento

To assist the Argentine Government in: (i) building capacities in poor communities to better manage the process to improve their welfare; (ii) providing poor communities with technical assistance and grants for benefiary-identified small scale subprojects that would meet specific needs; and (iii) improving the focus and management of social programs by improving the availability and quality of social sector specific information, the capacity of effectively target social services to the poor, and the methodologies to monitor and evaluate social sector programs.The above-mentioned objectives of the SP IV would be pursued through the following two programs within the Social Development Secretariat (Secretaría de Desarrollo Social; SDS). First, the Participatory Social Investment Fund (Fondo Participativo de Inversión Social; FOPAR) established under the SP I as a two-year pilot program, would expand its operations. The main objective of the Fund is to build institutional capacity among the poor, and simultaneously to provide them with means to meet specific necessities. It is important to recognize that FOPAR has defined its subprojects not only as the means to satisfy specific needs of the poor, but also as the training vehicle to build and strengthen the ability to identify, define and prioritize their needs, and then mobilize and manage resources to design, implement and operate their own projects.Second, the Technical Assistance for the Improvement of Social Information and Monitoring and Evaluation of Targeted Social Programs (Sistema de Información, Evaluación y Monitoreo de Programas Sociales; SIEMPRO) would enter into the second phase to establish itself as a catalyst in changing the focus and management of social programs by improving the accessiblity and quality of information, promoting tansparency, participation of the civil society and appropriate targeting of social services to the poor.

Chave Detalhes

Projeto Detalhes

  • P006058

  • Closed

  • Theresa Jones

  • N/A

  • Argentina

  • (conforme apresentação da Diretoria Executiva)

    15 de outubro de 1998

  • US$ 104.33 milhões

  • N/A

  • 26 de setembro de 2018

  • 31 de dezembro de 2005


  • Notes


Plano De Financiamento (US$ Milhões)

Não há dados disponíveis
Financiador Compromissos
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 70.80
Borrower/Recipient 33.53

Financiamento total do projeto (US$ milhões)

Linha de produtos BIRD/AID
Compromisso do BIRD 70.80
Compromissos da AID N/A
Compromisso do BIRD + AID 70.80
Instrumento de empréstimo
Montante do subsídio N/A
Custo total do projeto** 104.33

Resumo da situação do financiamento do Banco Mundial (em US$ milhões) em 31 de dezembro de 2024

Não há dados disponíveis
Financiador Data Da Aprovação Data De Encerramento Principal Desembolsado Pagamentos Juros, Custos E Taxas

Atividade financeira detalhada em 31 de dezembro de 2024

Não há dados disponíveis
Período Financiador Tipo De Transção Montante (US$)




Name Review Date
Overall Safeguards Rating Satisfactory 2005-12-01
Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory 2005-12-01


Não há dados disponíveis


Classificação De ResultadosModerately Satisfactory N/a
Risco Para O Resultado De DesenvolvimentoNot RatedN/a
Desempenho Do Banco MundialSatisfactoryN/a
Desempenho Do MutuárioSatisfactoryN/a
Desempenho Do GovernoSatisfactoryN/a
Entidade ExecutoraSatisfactoryN/a
Qualidade Da RciSatisfactoryN/a
Qualidade M&eNot RatedN/a

Estrutura de Resultados

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