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The Health Sector Reform Pilot Project's main objective is to support the Government of Panama's health strategy to improve the efficiency of health expenditures, and the accessibility and utilization of health services across all population groups, particularly the poor. The project consists of four components. The first component will implement the piloting of a new model for providing, organizing, and financing health services in San Miguelito...

* Os resumos dos projetos são tirados do PAD, SAR ou PGD e talvez não reflitam com exatidão a natureza atual do projeto

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Objetivo de Desenvolvimento

The project supports the GOP's health sector strategy aimed at improving the health status of the Panamanian population. To achieve this goal, the GOP has developed a health sector reform program that will increase overall efficiency and effectiveness of the health system, while at the same time achieving equity of access and utilization of health services across all population groups, particularly the poor. The reform program was launched on a pilot basis in the San Miguelito Health Region (SMHR) (to be supported by the project). Piloting the reform before extending it nationwide would allow the GOP and the Bank to understand and manage the individual and institutional behavioral changes the reform process entails. Likewise, it will enable experimentation of new techniques and instruments, and consensus-building among critical stakeholders before moving ahead. The piloting of a new model to provide, organize and finance health services in the SMHR is expected to:a) Increase access and facilitate utilization of health services, particularly by the poor, through the: (i) development and implementation of a user identification system/card; (ii) development and implementation of new community participatory mechanisms; (iii) implementation of a cost-compensation system between the MOH and the CSS; and (iv) development of a cost-recovery scheme according to family income.b) Improve the efficiency of health expenditures through the: (i) development of a corporate agreement between the MOH and CSS integrating both institutions in key strategic areas;(ii) development and implementation of a health services purchasing function;(iii) implementation of a new management option for the new San Miguelito Hospital;(iv) implementation of a new primary health care model; and (v) development and implementation of new management techniques and information systems at the MOH central, regional and provider levels.c) Carry out institutional strengthening activities at the MOH central level to implement the pilot in the SMHR, and initiate preparation activities to scale up the reform to other Health Regions.

Chave Detalhes

Projeto Detalhes

  • P040179

  • Closed

  • Jesus Fernandez Diaz

  • N/A

  • Panamá

  • 16 de julho de 1998

  • (conforme apresentação da Diretoria Executiva)

    16 de julho de 1998

  • 2 de junho de 1999

  • US$ 4.30 milhões

  • C

  • 15 de janeiro de 2013

  • 30 de abril de 2005


  • Notes


Plano De Financiamento (US$ Milhões)

Não há dados disponíveis
Financiador Compromissos
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 4.30

Financiamento total do projeto (US$ milhões)

Linha de produtos BIRD/AID
Compromisso do BIRD 4.30
Compromissos da AID N/A
Compromisso do BIRD + AID 4.30
Instrumento de empréstimo
Montante do subsídio N/A
Custo total do projeto** 6.00

Resumo da situação do financiamento do Banco Mundial (em US$ milhões) em 28 de fevereiro de 2025

Não há dados disponíveis
Financiador Data Da Aprovação Data De Encerramento Principal Desembolsado Pagamentos Juros, Custos E Taxas

Atividade financeira detalhada em 28 de fevereiro de 2025

Não há dados disponíveis
Período Financiador Tipo De Transção Montante (US$)




Name Review Date
Counterpart Funding Moderately Satisfactory 2005-04-14
Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory 2005-04-14
Project Management Moderately Satisfactory 2005-04-14
Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory 2005-04-14
Procurement Satisfactory 2005-04-14
Financial Management Moderately Satisfactory 2005-04-14
Monitoring and Evaluation Moderately Satisfactory 2005-04-14


Não há dados disponíveis


Classificação De ResultadosModerately Unsatisfactory N/a
Risco Para O Resultado De DesenvolvimentoNot RatedN/a
Desempenho Do Banco MundialSatisfactoryN/a
Desempenho Do MutuárioUnsatisfactoryN/a
Desempenho Do GovernoSatisfactoryN/a
Entidade ExecutoraUnsatisfactoryN/a
Qualidade Da RciSatisfactoryN/a
Qualidade M&eNot RatedN/a

Estrutura de Resultados

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