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IN National Ganga River Basin Project



  • P119085

  • IN National Ganga River Basin Project

  • India

  • OP00024742

  • Invitation for Bids

  • Published

  • WBR 18

  • International Competitive Bidding

  • English

  • Nov 25, 2013


  • Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.

  • Mr. Anupam Kumar Suman

  • Maurya Tower, Mauryalok Complex Budh Marg

  • Patna

  • India

  • India

  • 0612 2210101





National GangaRiver Basin Project

Loan 8065–IN/Credit 4955-IN

Construction of Ganga River Front Development at Patna, Bihar India


Reference No. :  No:  BUIDCo- Yo. 218/____


Government of India has received financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the National Ganga River Basin Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract for Construction of Ganga River Front Development at Patna, Bihar.


The Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd. (BUIDCo) now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Development of 20 Ghats and connecting promenade in 6.6 km. stretchfrom Collectorate Ghat to Naujar Ghat including landscaping and external electrical works; Construction of ancillary buildings including Sulabh Toilets and parks, Location : Patna, (Bihar, India), Constructionperiod : 26 months.

Margin of Preference shall not be applicable for the project.

The qualification requirements for the contracts are:


Qualification Parameter


General constructionexperience


At least last 5 years


Minimum Average annual construction turnover in last 5 years


INR 2000 million

Or US$ 33 million


Experience as a as a prime contractor, joint venture member, management contractor or sub-contractor for a minimum number of similar contracts that have been satisfactorily and substantially completed : (i) One contract, of minimum value INR 1500 million or USD 25 million or (ii) Two contracts each of minimum value INR 1000 million or USD 16.7 million.  Similar contracts are Water Front Development, Bridges and Culverts, Jetties, Ghats, Dams, Major Buildings and other contacts considered similar by the Employer based on the complexity and methods/technology.


A minimum construction experience in the following key activities successfully completed: executed in any one year of the last five years (2008-09 to 2012-13) the following items of works: (i) Reinforced Cement Concrete (including Pre-stressed Concrete) works – minimum 15000 cum, (ii) Earth works (in both excavation and embankment) – minimum 75000 cum, (iii) Pile (minimum 300 mm diameter and of minimum 10m depth) works - minimum 55000 m, (iv) Flooring (mosaic flooring, tile, and stone) works – minimum worth of INR 50 million, (v) Plaster and Finishing works (special architectural outer-finish works such as stone-lining on the walls, washed aggregates, plaster with pattern in grooves) – minimum worth of INR 20 million.


Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Worksand Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers  -January 2011, and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines.

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd, Managing Director and and inspect the bidding documents during office hours Monday to Saturday from 1000 to 1700 hrs at the address given below.


A complete set of bidding documents in English may be downloaded from by interested eligible bidders upon payment of non refundable fee of INR 15000.00 or US$250.00.  Hard copies will be provided to prospective bidders who request for them, for the same fee. The method of payment will be in the form of Demand Draft of any nationalized bank in India payable in favor of Managing Director, BUIDCo.  The Demand Draft shall be deposited along with theBid.  Bid cost will be paid by international bidders through Swift transfer with following details :


Swift Code- AXISINBB142

A/c No- 910010020939714

IFSC code- UTIB0000142

Account Name :Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd.

Bank Name : Axis Bank

Bank Address : Lok Nayak Jaiprakash Bhawan, Dak Bunglow Crossing, Patna 800001, Bihar, India


Bids must be deliveredto the address below on or before up to 1500 hrs. on January 10, 2014.  Electronic bidding willnot be permitted.  Late bids will be rejected.  Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders' designated representatives and anyone who choose to attend at the address below at1530 hrs. on January 10, 2014.

BUIDCo shall not be responsible for incomplete downloading of Bid Document by the interested bidders.


All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of INR 20.00 million or US$ 0.34 million in the form of unconditional bank guarantee of anynationalized bank in India in the name of Managing Director, BUIDCo

The address (es) referred to above is :


Bihar Urban InfrastructureDevelopment Corporation Ltd.

Room No. 303

Attention : Mr. Anupam Kumar Suman, Managing Director

Maurya Tower, Mauryalok Complex, Budh Marg

Patna 800001




Telephone-+91 612 2210101-02

Fax : 91 612 2210103

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