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The PFM MDTF III Support to Government of Indonesia



  • P173429

  • The PFM MDTF III Support to Government of Indonesia

  • Indonesia

  • OP00345260

  • General Procurement Notice

  • Published

  • N/A

  • English

  • Mar 13, 2025


  • Sekretariat Jenderal Kementerian Keuangan

  • Veranita Sinaga

  • Gedung Djuanda I Lantai M Jl. DR Wahidin Raya No. 1 Jakarta Pusat

  • Indonesia

  • Indonesia

  • 085693366794





Public Finance Management III Support to Government of Indonesia Project


Grant No. TFOB5420  


The Republic of Indonesia has received for financing in the amount of US$ 3,259,000 equivalent from the World Bank toward the cost of the Public Finance Management III Support to Government of Indonesia Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.


The project will include the following components

  1. Component I
    1. Strengthened tax compliance through enhanced capacity in handling digital evidence, efficient tax investigations and enforcement to support increased collection of taxation revenues.
    2. Strengthened organization and human resource competency through targeted capacity building in tax administration.

Specifically, this will include i. Knowledge sharing on implementation of core tax COTS system, ii. Capacity Building for MoF officials in Understanding NTR Law and its implementing, iii. Technical training and certification on electronic evidence handling, iv. Workshop for improvement of internal control system, v. Technical training for objection analyst in handling cases, vi. Technical training on strengthening capacities of heads of tax offices in the context, vii. Technical training and certification on User Experience (UX),

  1. Component II
  1. Strengthened planning and budgeting through improved analysis and evaluation of national budget documents, including Public Private Partnerships (PPP), national priority and major projects.
  2. Efficient and effective budget execution and treasury management systems, operations and practices, aligned with international standards.
  3. Strengthened governance at public service agencies (“BLUs”). f. Modernized internal audit practice through the use of technology for enhancing performance and accountability.


Specifically, this will include i) Training on developing APBN Portal Data, ii) Training (and TA) on monitoring and evaluation of Performance Implementation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Availability Payment (AP) projects. iii) Workshop to disseminate practical implementation requirements for GR 90 on budgeting; iv) Workshops on the preparation to finalize the guidelines of tagging, monitoring, and evaluation on Gender Responsive Budget, v) BPKP Integrated supervisory and risk management system, ii) Institutional Capacity Building Activities to achieve level 4 IA-CM for BPKP, iii) Advisory Support for achieving B+ PEFA rating for internal audit at central government, iv) Technical assistance to strengthen and modernize AAIPI


  1. Component III
  1. Improved efficiency and equity of inter-governmental fiscal transfers.
  2. Improved quality of information on sub-national fiscal accounts to enable central monitoring.
  3. Subnational revenue collection is strengthened.

Specifically, this will include i) Fiscal Decentralization Reform Task Force, ii), Implementation Support for The Performance-Based DAK, i): Subnational PFM Guidance and SIPD Implementation Support, ii) PP BAS Testing and SIKD Enhancement, iii) support DGFB in revising SNG tax policies in view of improving SNG revenue collection, iv) support MOHA in strengthening enabling regulations for subnational revenue collection and in building SNG revenue collection capacity.

  1. Component IV.
  1. Increased use of data analytics to underpin operational decision making at Ministry of Finance.
  1. Improved efficiency, effectiveness and decision making in the area of human resource management by integrating all HR applications within the Ministry of Finance

Specifically, this will include i) Development of House of Trust, ii) Training / capacity building on Data Management, iii) Training / capacity building on Human Resource Information System (HRIS)


  1. Support Component: Program administration and management

Specifically, this will include but may not be limited to consultancy services, trainings, workshops, incremental operating cost, and purchasing goods

Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers

Fourth Edition November 2020

(Procurement Regulations),and is open to all eligible firms and individuals as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

The World Bank shall arrange the publication on its external website of the agreed initial procurement plan and all subsequent updates once it has provided a no objection.

Specific procurement notices for contracts subject to open international competitive procurement will be announced, as they become available, on the World Bank’s external website, Ministry of Finance’s website and on Indonesia’s procurement website:



Interested eligible firms and individuals who would wish to be considered for the provision of goods, works, non-consulting services and consulting services for the above mentioned project, or those requiring additional information, should contact the Borrower at the address below:


Attn: Procurement Team of  Public Finance Management III Support to Government of Indonesia Project

Ministry of Finance Gedung Djuanda I Lantai M Jl. DR. Wahidin Raya No. 1 Jakarta

10710 – Indonesia

Phone: +62-21-3443009 or 3449230 ext. 6860 | Fax:  +62-21-3500846

Email address: |