Ministry of Health – Project management Unit
Health Sector Reform - Improving Health System Quality and Efficiency Project (HSRIHSQEP)
IBRD Loan No. 8362-RO
Procurement of radiotherapy equipment - IFB No. G/C1/3.2 (5 lots)
1. The Romanian Government through the Ministry of Public Finance on behalf of the Ministry of Health hasreceived a Loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development toward the cost of the Health Sector Reform - Improving Health System Quality and Efficiency Project Management Unit (HSRIHSQEP PMU) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this loan to payments under the contract resulting from this IFB: "Procurement of radiotherapy equipment – 5 sites".
2. The Ministry of Health - Project Management Unit now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for procurement of:
LOT no. I: Radiotherapy equipment for Emergency County Clinical Hospital Craiova
LOT no. II: Radiotherapy equipment for Municipal Hospital Oradea
LOT no. III: Radiotherapy equipment for Municipal Emergency Clinical Hospital Timișoara
LOT no. IV: Radiotherapy equipment for Oncological Institute "Prof. Dr. Ion Chiricuță" Cluj Napoca.
LOT no. V: Radiotherapy equipment for County Clinical Hospital Mureș.
3. Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in the World Bank's Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers January 2011 ("Procurement Guidelines"), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the Procurement Guidelines. In addition, please refer to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest.
4. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the Project Management Unit (1-3, Cristian Popișteanu St., 2nd floor, room 236, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania) and inspect the bidding documents during office 10:00 to 16:00 hours local time on all working days, starting with August 17th, 2017. A pre-bid meeting which prospective bidders may attend will be held at 14:00 hour's local time on September 5th, 2017.
Site visits conducted by the Purchaser will be organized based on the requests that will be received from the potential bidders at a date that will be established together with all parties.
5. A complete set of bidding documents inEnglish may be requested by interested eligible bidders upon the submission of a written application that will include the contact details of the company (name, address, telephone no., fax no., e-mail and the name of the responsible person that will pick up the bidding documents) to the address below. The Bidding Documents will be delivered in hard-copy directly by hand tothe prospective bidders representatives at the premises of the Project Management Unit at the address (1) below or to the special courier nominated by the Bidder to pick up the Bidding Documents from the PMU premises, if so specified in the written application and if the mailingtransport is previously ordered by the Bidder on his expenses. Under no circumstances shall the Project Management Unit within the Ministryof Health be responsible to order or to pay the mailing transport of the Bidding Documents or for any late delivery or loss of the Bidding Documents mailed by special courier nominated by the prospective Bidder.
6. Bids must be deliveredto the address below at or before: 12:00 hour's local time on October 3rd, 2017. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders' designated representatives and anyone who chooseto attend at the address (2) below at 12:00 hour's local time on October 3rd, 2017.
7. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security for each ofthe five lots shall be in amount of: EUR 50,000 (fifty thousand Euro) or RON 230,000.00 (two hundred thirty thousands RON).
In the case of a bid covering multiple lots the bid security amount must be not less than the total of therequired bid security amounts per each lot, as covered by the bid.
8. The address referred to above is:
Ministry of Health - Project Management Unit
Attn: Mr. Mircea-Sorin Zaharcu, PMU Interim Director and Mr. Răzvan Vieru, Procurement expert
1-3 Cristian Popișteanu St., 2nd floor, room 236, postal code 010024, Sector 1
Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +40 (21) 307 25 90; Fax: +40 (21) 307 25 87
The address (2) referred to above is:
Ministry of Health
1-3 Cristian Popișteanu St., 2nd floor, room 225A (conference room),
Postal code 010024, Sector 1
Bucharest, Romania