Country: Zambia
Name of Project: Zambia-Tanzania Transmission Interconnector Project
Sector: Energy Sector
Credit No: TBA.
Project ID No: P507033
The Government of the Republic of Zambia is scheduled to receive funding in the amount of US$ 285 Million from the International Development Association (IDA) of World Bank, UK Government and EU towards the cost of the Zambia-Tanzania Transmission Interconnector Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consulting services to be procured under this project.
The project will include the following components:
- Procurement of Goods
- Procurement of Works
Description of procurement activities and the timing of the Invitation for Bids (RFB) or Requests for Proposals (RFP) and or Requests for Expressions of Interest (REOI) for procurement activities using procedures that will be advertised nationally or internationally are likely to be as follows:
Under International Competitive Bidding (ICB):
- Design, Supply and Installation works for the second 330 kV single circuit Pensulo-Mpika overhead transmission line, 184km length, and associated substation works;
- Design, Supply and Installation works for second 330 kV single circuit Mpika-Kasama overhead transmission line, 197km length, and associated substation works at Mpika and Kasama;
- Design, Supply and Installation works (i) Double circuit 330 kV Kasama-Nakonde overhead transmission line, 212km length, Double circuit 400 kV overhead transmission line from Nakonde to the Tanzanian border,15km length (charged at 330 kV) and Double circuit 132 kV Isoka-Nakonde (loop in and out of 66 kV Isoka - Nakonde line) overhead transmission line,12km length;
- Design, Supply and Installation works for New Nakonde 330/132/66 kV substation and
- Design, Supply and Installation works for r dynamic voltage support devices (±250MVAr) and associated substation works at Pensulo and the new Nakonde Substation
Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers for Procurement in Investment Project Financing (IPF) for Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services of July 2016 revised September 2023 (also referred to as “Procurement Regulations”).
Specific procurement notices for contracts to bid under the World Bank’s international competitive bidding (ICB) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced, as they become available, in UN Development Business Online and widely circulated local newspapers.
Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to prequalify/bid under the ICB procedures and interested and eligible Consulting Firms who wish to be included in the mailing list for Consulting Services assignment to be advertised internationally or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below during office hours 7:30 AM to 4:30PM (CAT).
The Managing Director
(Attention: Head Procurement)
Address: ZESCO Limited
Address: Stand No. 6949, Great East Road,
P. O. Box 33304 LUSAKA, ZAMBIA
Floor-Room number: 3rd Floor – ZESCO Head Quarters
City: Lusaka, Zambia
Email:; and