Invitation to Bidders
(Credit # 70700-GH)
Construction or Rehabilitation of Small Earth Dams, Community Health Planning Services (CHPS) Compounds, School and Market Structures, Institutional Toilets/KVIPs, Feeder Roads, Small Town Water Systems, Supplies and Boreholes in 48 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in Upper West, Savannah, Upper East, North East, Northern and Oti Regions of Ghana
Bid Issuance Date: 12th August 2024
Metropolitan/Municipal/District Assemblies
Lawra Municipal, Nandom Municipal, Sissala East Municipal, Wa West District, Wa East District, Lambussie District, Jirapa Municipal, Dafiama Bussie Issa District, Wa Municipal, Nadowli-Kaleo District, Sissala West District, Bawku Municipal, Pusiga District, Binduri District, Bolgatanga Municipal, Bongo District, Tempane District, Garu District, Kassena Nankana East Municipal, Kassena Nankana West District, Talensi District, Bolgatanga East District, Bawku West, District, Nabdam District, Builsa South District, Builsa North Municipal, Sagnerigu Municipal,, Tamale Metropolitan, Tatale Sanguli District, Karaga District, Saboba District, Yendi Municipal, Nanumba North Municipal, Gushiegu Municipal, Bunkpurugu Nakpanduri District, Yunyoo-Nasuan District, East Mamprusi Municipal, West Mamprusi Municipal, Mamprugu Moagduri District, Chereponi District, Sawla-Tuna- Kalba District, North Gonja District, Bole District, Nort-East Gonja District, Krachi East Municipal, Krachi West Municipal, Nkwanta North District, Nkwanta South Municipal.
- This invitation for bids which follows the general procurement notice for this Project was published at the UN Development Business Online on May 23, 2022
The Government of the Republic of Ghana has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to payments under the Contract for the Construction or Rehabilitation of Small Earth Dams, Community Health Planning Services (CHPS) Compounds, School and Market Structures, Institutional Toilets/KVIPs, Feeder Roads, Small Town Water Systems, Supplies, Boreholes in 48 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies in Upper West, Upper East, Northern, North-East, Savannah and Oti Regions of Ghana.
- The Implementing Municipal/District Assemblies now invite sealed bids from eligible Bidders for the implementing of sub-projects listed in Table 1 below.
- Bidding will be in accordance with the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” (Procurement Regulations) dated July 2016, revised in November 2017, August 2018 and November 2020 and the “Guidelines on Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects Financed by IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants”, dated July 1, 2016.
- Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from addresses indicated in Table 2 below and inspect the bidding documents at the same addresses from 09.00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday. Further enquiries may be made at the Metropolitan, Municipals or Districts Offices. A complete set of bidding document in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the addresses of Metropolitan, Municipals or Districts indicated below upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of GH¢500.00 or its equivalent. The method of payment will be by cash.
- Contractors are free to bid for any or all lots and evaluation of bids will be carried out on lots of basis.
- Bidders should provide information on the number of unskilled laborers that will be deployed for the entire duration of the contract. It is the responsibility of the Employer to engage the unskilled laborers for the contractor as explained in Clause 9 in the Contract Data.
- Bids shall be valid for a period of 90 days after bid opening and must be accompanied by Bid Security in the acceptable format and be delivered to the addresses and locations indicated in Table 2, on or before 11.00 hours GMT on 3rd September 2024 in all MMDAs at which time they will be opened in the presence of the bidders’ representatives, who choose to attend.
Bid Security shall be Two (2%) percent of the bidder’s tender price from a reputable bank or insurance institution registered in Ghana.
- General Qualification for bidders:
Road works: a valid Road Classification Certificate A3, B3 or above from the Ministry of Roads and Highways.
Small Earth Dams and Irrigation Systems: A4, B4 or above.
For building structures and other civil works: a valid certificate D3, K3 or above from the Ministry of Works and Housing.
For boreholes: a valid Water Resources Commission’s Water Drilling License.
- Additional qualification and requirements for bidders:
- Letter of Bid of Tender Form
- Certificate to Commence Business
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
- Valid Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) Clearance Certificate
- Valid Labour Certificate for Works only
- Valid Public Procurement Authority Registration Certificate
- Bid Security
- Power of Attorney
- Manufacturer’s Authorization, where applicable (Goods only)
- Priced Bill of Quantities for Works only
- Resume and Certificates of Key Personnel for Works only
- Key Equipment for Works only
- Method Statement for Works only
- Financial Resources (Three years Audited Financial Statement – 2021 to 2023) for Works only
- Specific Construction Experience (attach copies of award letters) for Works only
- Environmental and Social Performance Declaration Form for Works only
- Environmental and Social Management Strategies and Implementation Plan to manage risk for Works only
- Code of Conduct for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and/or Sexual Harassment (SH) Performance Declaration for Subcontractors for Works only
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Gingande |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Yakut |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP and Bathroom |
Mustaphiat |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Presby JHS |
ST - LOT 4 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block, Office and Store with 75No. Dual Desk, 4No. Teachers Tables and 9No. Teachers Chairs |
Methodist JHS |
ST-LOT 5 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with 75No. Dual Desk, 4No. Teachers Tables and 9No. Teachers Chairs |
St. Anthony JHS |
ST-LOT 6 |
Construction of 1No. 10-Seater Water Closet Toilet |
Possum |
Construction of 1No. 10-Seater Water closet toilet |
Yirongo |
ST- LOT 7 |
Construction of 1No. 10-Seater Water Closet Toilet |
Sagabo |
Construction of 1No. 10-Seater Water Closet Toilet |
Sabongari |
ST- LOT 8 |
Construction of 1No. 2-Storey Building with 20-Unit Lockable Stores at Bawku Central Market |
Bawku |
ST – LOT 9 |
Rehabilitation and fencing of Sabon Zongo School Park for Intercommunity Sports Activities |
Sabon-Zongo |
Rehabilitation and fencing of Daduri School Park for Intercommunity Sports Activities |
Daduri |
BH - LOT 10 |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Handpump Borehole |
Sunguri Primary |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Handpump Borehole |
Chinwriga |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Handpump Borehole |
Tampizua NR1 |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Handpump Borehole |
Kutanga |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Handpump Borehole |
Agoli JHS |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Handpump Borehole |
Mustaphiat |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No Mechanised Borehole |
Kpalwega |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No Mechanised Borehole |
Kutamya |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No Mechanised Borehole |
Possum |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No Mechanised Borehole |
Yirongo |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No Mechanised Borehole |
Sagabo |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No Mechanised Borehole |
Sabongari |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Solar Powered Mechanised Borehole with Elevated Concrete Stand |
Gingande |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 1No Solar Powered Mechanised Borehole with Elevated concrete stand |
Yakut |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 3-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Weari |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Tonde Primary School |
ST- LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Block with Office, Store, Staff Common Room, and Supply of Furniture |
Peri Zongoire |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction and Installation of 1No. Rice Processing Machine |
Sapeliga |
Construction of 1No. 10-Unit Market Stores |
Sapeliga |
ST - LOT 5 |
Construction and Installation of 1No. Shea Butter Processing Machine |
Tanga |
BH - LOT 6 |
Sitting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 4No. Boreholes
Galaka CHPS, Tanga CHPS, Zongoire CHPS, Boya-Kpalsako CHPS |
Sitting, Drilling and mechanisation of 3 no. boreholes with solar connectivity and accessories for irrigation in 3 communities |
Goog,Timonde, Teshie |
RD - LOT 7 |
Rehabilitation of Zebilla Hospital Junction - Zebilla Hospital Road |
Zebilla |
RD- LOT 8 |
Construction of 1No. (1.8m x 1.8m) pipe culvert and reshaping of Teshie Soogo Feeder roads |
Teshie Soogo |
GD-LOT 9 |
Supply and Installation of Solar Energy in 2No Health Facilities (Inverters, Solar Panels, Wiring, Bulbs and Storage Batteries) |
Komaka, Salpiiga |
S/N |
ST- LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Sarabogo |
ST- LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Zaago |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet. |
Nayoko No.2 |
ST- LOT 4 |
Completion of 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Block |
Poayamire |
ST- LOT 5 |
Completion of 1No. CHPS Compound |
ST- LOT 6 |
Construction of Maternity Block and Supply of Medical Equipment |
Aniisi |
ST- LOT 7 |
Construction of a Slaughterhouse and Chain-link Fencing |
Bazua |
ST- LOT 8 |
Construction of 10-Unit Lockable Market Stores |
Avoundago |
ST- LOT 9 |
Completion of 10-Unit Lockable Market Stores |
Boko |
ST-LOT 10 |
Construction of 1No.10-Seater WC Toilet at Kpalugu |
Kpalugu |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction of 1No. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Centre |
Zonno |
Completion of 1No. CHPS Compound |
Dubila |
ST - LOT 2 |
Rehabilitation of 6-Unit Classroom Block |
Gambibgo |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room.
Kantia |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Pologo |
ST-LOT 5 |
Construction of Lorry Park, including Gravelling, 2No. Sheds, 4-Seater Water Closet Toilet |
Adakora |
BH - LOT 6 |
Siting, Drilling, and Installation of 5No. Boreholes fitted with handpump at Recreational Centers and 1No. Mechanized borehole for CHPs compound
Kunkua, Yarigabisi, Zonno-Zori, Zuarungu-Central, Kumbosigo-Atenlebnebisi, Dachio |
RD - LOT 7
Reshaping and Filling of Existing Culvert and Spot Improvement of of Feeder Road Linking Yarigabisi to Timber Market. |
Yarigabisi |
GD - LOT 8 |
Supply of 200No. Low Tension Electricity Poles(8ft) and 120No. Solar streetlight. |
Dubila/Zuarungu-Moshie, Kunkua, Zonno, Dachio, Katanga |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Complete the Construction of 2No. CHPS Compounds and Supply Assorted Medical Equipment |
Kolbia and Yipaala |
ST- LOT 2 |
Construct 2No, 2-Unit KG Blocks Furnishing and Rehabilitates 1No. 2-Unit KG with 3No, Offices, 3No, stores, 3No. 4-Seater Toilets, 3No. 2-Unit Urinal |
Yorogo Madina, Pobaga and Nyorkokor |
ST- LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. Animal Market and 1No. 8-Unit Public Toilet (Phase I) |
Yorogo |
ST- LOT 4 |
Rehabilitation of the Grains Market at Bolgatanga Old Market |
Atulbabisi |
Rehabilitation of the Sherigu Social Centre |
Sherigu |
BH– LOT 5 |
Sitting, Drilling and Mechanization of 4No. Boreholes with 4No. 3M X 2M width ground wells in Selected Communities |
Kolbia,Yipaala, Soe and Tindonmoligo |
Sitting, Drilling and installation of 10No. Boreholes Fitted with Hand pumps |
Zorbisi, Sokabisi, Kolbia-Kunkua, Kolgu |
RD – LOT 6 |
Construction of 3No. 1.2m Double piped Culverts with Gravel Fill and 2 No. 3M x 2M box culvert with earth filling |
Soe, Tanzui, Tinganibisi, Sapiotinganibisi |
RD- LOT 7 |
Construction of 1No. 8m width Footbridge |
Azorebisi Dindoobisi |
GD- LOT 8 |
Procurement of 200No. Low Tension Poles and Accessories |
Selected Communities |
DM – LOT 9 |
Rehabilitation of Dorongo Dam (Phase I) |
Dorongo |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Kuyelingo |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Lembiisi |
ST – LOT 3 |
Renovation of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block |
Asakulsi |
Renovation of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block |
Nayorigo |
ST – LOT 4 |
Completion of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block |
Dua Yikene |
ST- LOT 5 |
Completion and furnishing of Business Skills Training Centre for Livelihood Groups |
Bongo |
ST- LOT 6 |
Construction of 1No. Volleyball Court |
Bongo |
BH- LOT 7 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 3No. Boreholes Fitted with Handpumps. |
Bongo, Valley zone, Bongo Soe |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole with overhead tank |
Adaborobisii |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 3No. Borehole |
Kuyelingo, Gowrie, Bongo |
RD-LOT 8 |
Spot Improvement of Bongo Market-Tengre Feeder Road (1.00km) |
Tingre |
ST – LOT 2
S/N |
ST - LOT 1
Construction of 1No. Nurses Quarters |
Bilinsa |
Construction of 1No. Nurses Quarters |
Farinsa |
ST- LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Kori Alabyeri |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Nawaasa No.1 |
ST- LOT 4 |
Renovation of 2No. Semi-Detached Health Staff Quarters |
Suwarinsa |
ST- LOT 5 |
Rehabilitation and Conversion of 10No. Market Stalls to Lockable Stores |
Sandema |
ST- LOT 6 |
Upgrading of 1No. football Pitches with 1-Unit Urinal and Provision of football Kits including Sets of Jerseys and Footballs |
Chuchuliga |
BH- LOT 7 |
Siting, Drilling, and Installation of 6No. Boreholes fitted with handpumps and Mechanization of 3No. Boreholes |
Nawaasa No. 1, Azugyire, Kadema, Longsa, Danwarinsa, Kori, Sandema, Yimonsa, Sandema lorry station. |
RD- LOT 8 |
Construction of 5km Feeder Roads (Opening Up and Grading) |
Balansa-Kaasa No.1 & 2 to Zogsa |
GD- LOT 9 |
Procure and Distribute 200No. 8m Low Tension Wooden Electricity Poles and installation of 40No. Energy Efficient Solar Street Lights in Sandema Sports Stadium and 4 Senior High Schools |
Sandema, Wiaga, Sandema Secondary School, Kadema |
GD- LOT 10 |
Procurement of 500No. Dual Desk Furniture for 5No. Basic Schools |
Sandema, Wiaga, Sinensi, Chuchuliga, Kadema |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Completion of 2No. 3-Unit Classroom Blocks with an Office, a Staff Common room, a Store, 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet, 1No. 2-Unit Urinal and Supply of 120No. Wooden Dual Desks, 24No. Chairs and 10No. Tables for Teachers |
Pintengsa and Batuisa |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 3-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet and Completion and furnishing of 1No. CHPS compound |
Gobsa and Tuedema |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Uwasi Tuperinsa |
ST – LOT 4 |
Renovation, Expansion and furnishing of 3No. CHPS Compounds |
Kaseisa, Buteresa and Bachongsa |
ST- LOT 5 |
Completion of Water Closet Toilet, Construction of 6-Unit Bathroom at Fumbisi Market and Construction of 1.8m Culvert at Baasa Choik |
Fumbisi and Baasa Choik |
ST - LOT 6 |
Renovation and Furnishing of Meat Shop |
Yabapeling- Fumbisi |
ST- LOT 7 |
Completion of 292-Seater Community Center |
Logmiisa -Fumbisi |
BH - LOT 8 |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole fitted with Handpump |
Fumbisi |
RD - LOT 9 |
Construction of 1.8m Culvert |
Chansa-Pendem and Naadema-Suik |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction of 1No. 3-Unit Girls' Dormitory with a Bath area and 8-Seater Water Closet Toilet |
Garu |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Siisi |
ST- LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Duuri |
ST- LOT 4 |
Construction of 5No. Youth Parliament Centres |
Tamne, Kpikparugu, Kpatia, Kugri,Pialugu.
BH – LOT 5 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 25No. Boreholes Fitted with Handpumps and Mechanisation of 2No. Boreholes |
Garu Secondary School, Kugri, Tubong, Kuparigo, Farfar, Pialugu |
RD - LOT 6 |
Construction 1No. Tripple Cell 1.8M Culvert with Stone Pitching on Denugu-Duusbulga Feeder Road |
Denugu, Duusbulga |
GD – LOT 7 |
Supply of 300No. Dual Desk, 200No. Hexagonal Furniture for schools; Supply of home economics kits for Garu SHS and Supply of 100No. 8M Low Tension Poles |
Zaaer, Songo, Kpatia, Frafa |
ST – LOT 2
S/N |
ST – LOT 1
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Chaaba |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Kulongo |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Gayingo |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1-No. 2-Unit KG Block with Staff Common Room, 2 Office, 1No. 3-Seater KVIP Toilet and Bath |
Sabisi |
ST– LOT 4 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Kologo Zuo |
ST- LOT 5 |
Construction of Community Youth Centre (Phase 1) |
Kologo |
BH- LOT 6 |
Sitting, Drilling and Mechanization of 3No. Boreholes |
Chaaba, Kulongo, Gayingo |
RD- LOT 7 |
Construction of 1No. 1.8m Diameter Double Cell Piped Culvert and 2No 0.9-meter Diameter Single Cell Pipe Culverts and Filling of Approaches |
Sakobisi |
RD - LOT 8
Construction of 1No. 1.8m diameter double piped culvert, Filling to Culvert Approaches and opening -up 1Km at Kologo-Tangabisi Feeder Road. |
Natugnia |
Construction of 1No. 1.8m Diameter Double Piped Culvert, filling to culvert approaches and opening -up 1Km at Kologo-Tangabisi Feeder Road. |
Tangabisi |
DM- LOT 9 |
Rehabilitation and Expansion of Small Earth Dam
Natugnia. |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Completion of Katiu -Saa CHPs compound |
Katiu-Saa |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of KG block for Nakong Primary |
Nakong |
ST –LOT 3 |
Renovation of Navio CHPs compound |
Navio |
Renovation of Nania JHS |
Nania |
ST – LOT 4 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom
Yidania |
ST - LOT 5 |
Construction of Volleyball Court |
Babile |
RD - LOT 6 |
Spot Improvement of Paga JHS Loop Feeder Road |
Babile |
RD – LOT 7 |
Spot Improvement of Commercial area-Kandiga Market (1.4 km) |
Kandiga |
Construction of Double 1200mm Diameter Pipe Culvert Including Approaches filling |
Navem |
DM - LOT 8 |
Desilting of Kayilo Dam |
Kayilo |
Rehabilitation of Breach Small Earth Dam |
Mirigu-Nayire |
ST- LOT 9 |
Pavement and construction of 2No. 700mm diameter access pipe culvert at Paga new market |
Kakungu |
Rehabilitation of Slaughterhouse |
Babile |
Chain link fencing of Sirigu Animal market |
Piwelingu |
S/N |
ST- LOT 1 |
Construction of 5No. 4-Seater KVIP at CHPs Compounds |
Tindongo CHPs, Pelungu CHPs, Nyogbare CHPs, |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPs Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Yakote |
ST- LOT 3 |
Completion of Community Center (Phase II) |
Asonge |
ST- LOT 4 |
Rehabilitation of 2unit Kongo KG Block |
Kongo |
Rehabilitation of 2-Unit Classroom Block |
Kongo |
ST- LOT 5 |
Construction of Basketball and Volleyball Pitch |
Logre |
BH- LOT 6 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 20No. Borehole fitted with handpumps in all 8 clusters |
Kalini, Nabok, Ziemboug, Dasang Mortbulik, Kotintabig Tengponge,Dasabiligo,Kparikpii |
Siting, Drilling, and Installation of 2No. Borehole with Fencing |
Kotntabig, Kong-Daborin |
RD–LOT 7 |
Construction of 11km Kotingtabig- Pelungu Feeder Road |
Kotingtabig |
Opening up of 2km Bawku Road-Logre Putin CHPS road |
Logre |
Rehabilitation of 4.5km Yakote-Nangodi Basic Road (Construction of 4 culverts and reshaping) |
Nangodi |
TW–LOT 9 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of small-town water system and fencing of 20 hectare Farm |
Sakote and Zalerigu |
ST- LOT 11
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 3-Unit Accommodation with 3- Unit WC Toilet |
Yariga No. 2 |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Kultamsi |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. 2-Bedroom semi-detached Accommodation |
Pusiga |
Construction of 1No. 3-bedrooom Residential Accommodation |
Gareke |
ST- LOT 4 |
Fencing of Cattle Market with an Office and Cattle Loading Ramp |
Gareke |
Fencing of Animals Market for Small Ruminants |
Gareke |
ST- LOT 5 |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Office Accommodation with a Mini-conference and 2 Washrooms |
Kulungungu |
Construction of 1No. Skills development training center with 1No. 2-unit offices and 1No. 2-unit urinals |
Zong-Natinga |
Construction of 1No. Skills development training center with 1No. 2-unit offices and 1No. 2-unit urinals, |
Pusiga |
ST- LOT 7 |
Construction of a Timber Market, 1No. 2,500ltr Poly tanks with concrete overhead stand, 1No. 1.2m U-culvert and 2No. Urinals |
Natinga |
ST- LOT 8 |
Refurbishment of 2No. football fields |
Cinkom and Nakambo |
BH- LOT 9 |
Drilling and Construction of 5No. Mechanized boreholes |
Gareke, Zong-Natinga, Pusiga
GD – LOT 10 |
Procurement of football equipment (48No. Set of Jerseys and 48No. Footballs) |
District wide |
Provide support for youth groups for start-ups |
District wide |
GD- LOT 11 |
Procurement of 100No. 8m low tension poles |
District wide |
Procurement of electrical materials including streetlights |
District wide |
Procurement of 70No. Water pumping machines, 70No. Inlet and 70No. Outlet for dry season farmers |
District wide |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Gaarezore |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Gbee |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room. |
Yinduri |
ST – LOT 4 |
Construction of 1No. 4-Unit Classroom Block at Tongo Secondary/Technical School |
Baare |
Construction of 1No. CHPS with 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Dapore |
Renovation of Shia CHPS Compound and Nurses Quarters |
Shia |
ST- LOT 6 |
Renovation of Meat Shop in Tongo Market and Construction of 3No. slaughter slabs |
Tongo, Winkogo, Pwalugu and Tindongo |
Construction of 2No. shea butter processing structures, procurement and installation of 2No.shea butter processing machines |
Gorogo and Yamsock |
ST- LOT 7 |
Construction of 2No. groundnut processing structures, procurement and installation of 2No. processing machines |
Duusi and Buug |
Construction of 2No. rice mailing structures, procurement and installation of 2No. mailing machines |
Gbeogo and Sheaga |
BH- LOT 8 |
Sitting, Drilling and installation of 7No. Boreholes fitted with hand pumps and 1No. Mechanized borehole |
Wakii, Sheaga-Woug, koniabisi(Tongo-Beo), Goriko,Tindongo-Nbon, Gbeogo-Zuk |
RD - LOT 9
Construction of 2No. 1.2m Culverts |
Gorogo & Datuko |
Opening of Access Roads 16km |
Pusu-Namongo |
Opening of Buing-Nungu-Tolla-Digaare Feeder road |
Buing, Nungu, Tolla, Digaare |
GD - LOT 10 |
Procure 8No. footballs, 8 sets of jerseys and organize football competitions among 8 communities |
Winkogo, Pwalugu, Baare, Sheaga, Gbani, Tindongo, Kpatia and Tongo |
Completion and equipping of Tongo Youth Centre |
Tongo |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1
Completion of Nadigre 1N0. 3-Unit Classroom Block, Office, Store, 1No. 4-Unit KVIP and 2-Unit Urinal with Furniture |
Nadigri |
ST- LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Teduriga |
ST-LOT 3 |
Completion of 1No. 15-Unit office accommodation for health directorate, storeroom and 6-unit WC toilet facility |
Tempane |
ST-LOT 4 |
Construction of 1No. 3-unit classroom block, common room, office, 1No. 4-unit KVIP with change room and 2 urinal and supply of furniture |
Gagbiri |
BH- LOT 5 |
Siting, Drilling, and Installation of 10 No. Borehole Handpumps at some selected Communities |
Nabina Yapaala, Bempella Number 1, Yeogo, Tubong, Tindaanin, Busum winayeng, Kogur, Yabrago Number 1, Binatenga, Abundakudug |
RD- LOT 6 |
Spot improvement of Woriyanga Junction to Akara Cluster of Schools 8km |
Woriyanga and Akara |
Opening up of new road from Fire Service Junction to Yabrago 3km |
Tempane and Yabrago |
DM- LOT 7 |
Rehabilitation of Zansribuliga Dam Wall and Development of the Irrigable area to enhance the income levels of the over 500 vegetable farmers currently engaged at the site. |
Zansribuliga |
S/N |
ST-LOT 1 |
Construction of Community Youth Center |
Yunyoo |
ST-LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Toobont |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Bilanan |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Mozio |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Tuna No.2 |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Stores, 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal
Jimbale |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Stores, 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal
Nasuan |
BH- LOT 7 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 6No. Borehole Fitted with Handpump
Temaa, Kwalik, Simniboma, Toobont(Jananlig), Komea and Jimbale |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 2No. Borehole
Tambing, Tuna No.2 |
GD – LOT 8 |
Furnishing of Community Youth Center |
Yunyoo |
S/N |
ST- LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 3-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Gbetmonpak |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing (Detailed in the BOQ) of 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Block with 4-seater KVIP Toilet, 2-Unit Urinal and 2 Unit Changing Rooms |
Nanyiar |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Nyamwai |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room
Badilong |
[ |
ST - LOT 5
Construction of 1- Storey 12-Unit Lockable Market Stores (phase2) |
Bunkpurugu |
ST - LOT 6
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Stores, 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal |
Bimbago |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Stores, 4-seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal |
Nakpanduri |
BH-LOT 7 |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole |
Gbetmonpak |
GD - LOT 8 |
Furnishing of District Disability Center for PWDs |
Bunkpurugu |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction & furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Kpani |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction of 1No. Semi-Detach Bungalow for District Fire Service Officer |
Masawose |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction & furnishing of 1No. Demonstration Block, and Construction of 2No. 10 Unit. Bathrooms for Nurses Training |
Masawose |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction & furnishing of 1No. Administration Block for Nurses Training |
Masawose |
ST-LOT 5 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block |
Garinkuka |
Construction of 1No. Dining hall Complex at CHESECTECH |
Chereponi |
Construction of 2No. 12-Unit Market Stalls |
Nansoni |
Construction of 2No. 12-Unit Market Stalls |
Tambon |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Lumu |
ST- LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Kulgona |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. Maternity Block |
Wundua |
Rehabilitation of 2No. 3-Unit Classroom Block |
Langbinsi Furkan |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction of 2No. 5-Unit Lockable Stores and Gravel the Market Roads |
Gbintiri |
ST - LOT 5 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block |
Gbangdaa |
BH-LOT 6 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 16No. Borehole Fitted with Handpump |
Gbintiri, Kanchina, Tuugbinni, Lumu, Zandua, Sumniboma 1, Tichirigitaba, Wundua, Bantambari, Timpela, Bombila, Chirifoyiri, Sumniboma 2, Tuni, Jawani, Namangu |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 2No. Borehole |
Kulgona, Wundua |
GD-LOT 7 |
Supply 1000 Dual Desks and 70 Teachers Desk and Chairs to 23 Basic Schools in the Municipality |
La-Atari, Dagbiriboari, Nanori, Tinsungu, Bongbini, Zagri, Gbangu, Wundua, Namangu, Gambaga, Frukan-Langbinsi, Burugu, Wundua, Namasim, Saediya, Nalerigu, Nalerigu, Yankazia, Kufori |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 4-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room and Storeroom |
Kukua |
ST- LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Nabulugu |
ST- LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 3-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Kparigu |
ST- LOT 4 |
Construction and furnishing (Detailed in the BOQ) of 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Block with 4-seater KVIP toilet, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Walewale |
ST - LOT 5 |
Construction of 1No. 2-Storey 20-Unit Lockable Stores (Phase I) |
Walewale |
ST - LOT 6 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. Community Library and Construction of Fence Wall |
Walewale |
BH - LOT 7 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 5No. Borehole Fitted with Handpump |
Suhuluya, Gbeo, Wulugu, Kpatusi, Duu |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanization of 1No. Borehole |
Kparigu |
BH - LOT 8 |
Construction of Limited Piped System with 1 Mechanized Borehole, 1No. 10m3 Poly tank, 0.6km distribution lines |
Janga SHS |
Expansion of Small-Town Water System with 2No. 5,000 Liter Capacity Tank |
Arigu |
TW- LOT 9 |
Construction of Small-Town Water System with 1No. 60m3 concrete High Level Tank (HLT), 0.8km transmission line, 1km distribution lines, and 4No. public stand pipes |
Loagri |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction of 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Block with Office, Store, Staff Common Room and Supply of Furniture |
Kubori |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room
Kuba |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Kunkwa |
ST – LOT 4 |
Construction of 1No. 2-Bedroom Teacher's Quarters |
Loagri |
Construction of 1No. 2-Bedroom Teacher's Quarters |
Yizesi |
ST – LOT 5
Construction of Rice Drying Center |
Kubori & Kubugu |
Construction of Butcher Shop and Animal Ranch |
Yagaba |
ST – LOT 6
Construction of 1No. 12-Unit Market Stall, 4-seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal |
Jadema |
Construction of 1No. 12-Unit Market Stall, 4-seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal |
Zanwara |
Construction of 1No. 12-Unit Market Stall, 4-seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal |
Soo |
BH – LOT 7
Siting, Drilling and Mechanization of 3No. Boreholes |
Kubori and Kikaayiri |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom |
Dabaziiri |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction of 1No. Cottage Industry for Sewing and Smock Weaving with 10No. Tables, 10No. Chairs, 2No. Cupboards and 6No. Visitors Bench |
Daffiama |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. Shea Processing Center |
Owlo |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. Shea Processing Center |
Wogu |
ST - LOT 4 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. Football Park |
Kojokpere |
BH - LOT 5 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Borehole Fitted with Handpump |
Dabaziiri |
DM - LOT 6 |
Construction of 1No. Dam |
Kojokpere |
DM - LOT 7 |
Construction of 1No. Dam |
Tabiesi |
DM – LOT 8 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. Dugout |
Wogu |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Expansion of Health Center with 1No.10 Bed Capacity Hospital Ward, and Supply of 10No. Hospital Beds |
Tuggo |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction of 1No. Health Post with 4No. Tables, 8No. Chairs & 4No. Visitors Benches |
Tizza-Mwofo |
[ |
ST - LOT 3 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. Health Center |
Duori |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction of 2No. 2-Unit Crèche with Furniture, 4-Seater KVIP and 1No. Urinal Pit |
Somboro , Poduori |
ST - LOT 5 |
Construction of 2No. 2-Unit Crèche with Furniture, 4-Seater KVIP and 1No. Urinal Pit |
Ul-Gozu, Sietori |
ST - LOT 6 |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Market Stores with 12-Unit Market Stalls and 4-Seater KVIP |
Sabuli |
ST - LOT 7 |
Construction of 1No. 120-Seater Capacity Lecture Hall with (Office and Washrooms), 120No, Single Seater Chairs with Writing Slaps |
CHNTC, Nimbare |
ST - LOT 8 |
Construction and Fencing of Jirapa Naayiri Durbar Grounds |
Jirapa Naayiri Durbar |
[ |
BH- LOT 9 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Borehole Fitted with a Handpump |
Tizza-Mwofo |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole |
Hain SHS |
RD - LOT 10 |
Construction of 2.0km Feeder Road between Ganaa JHS Sch. to Jirapa Naayiri Park |
Jirapa |
Construction of 2.0km Feeder Road between 31st December Day Junction to Jirapa-Wa link |
Jirapa |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Buu |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. Medical Theater |
Hamile Polyclinic |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom |
Tabier |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Nurses Quarters |
Piina |
Rehabilitation of 2No. 3-Unit Classroom Block and 1 No. 2-Unit KG Block |
Kohuo, Tapumu and Piina |
ST - LOT 5 |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Market Stores with 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 1No. 2-Unit Urinal |
Suke |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Market Stores with 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 1No. 2-Unit Urinal |
Lambussie |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Market Stores with 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 1No. 2-Unit Urinal |
Samoa |
ST - LOT 6 |
Construction of 1No. Volleyball Court |
Piina |
BH – LOT 7 |
Sitting, Drilling and Installation of 10No. Boreholes Fitted with Handpumps |
Kukuwor, Billaw, Billaw Fulani Community, Busigya, Kocha, Kohuo No.1, Kohuo No.2, Gberkuo, Samoa-Gyanvuur and Tapumu |
GD – LOT 8 |
Supply of Equipment and Furniture for Furnishing of 2No. CHPS Compounds and Furnishing of 1No. Delivery Block |
Gyirigan, Gberkuo, Bangwon |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Tampie |
ST-LOT 2 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Tolibri |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom |
Kumasal |
ST – LOT 4 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. Health Center |
Dowine |
ST – LOT 5 |
Construction and Furnishing 1No. Nurses Quarters |
Zambo-Baadi |
BH – LOT 6
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 8No. Boreholes Fitted with Handpumps |
Konwob, Naburnye, Zoopal, Berwong, Faalu, Gbengbe, Tanchara Koro-Baagagn, Boo-Naayir |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 2No Boreholes |
Tampie, Tolibri |
RD – LOT 7 |
Construction of 6No. Double-Cell Piped Culvert |
Pavuu, Gbier-Berwong, Tabier, Tanchara-Baagagn, Tampie. |
RD – LOT 8 |
Rehabilitation of Kunyukuo, Fofoi - Birifo Link Road (3.6Km) |
Kunyukuo,Fofoi-Birifo |
DM – LOT 9 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. Dam |
Dowine |
S/N |
ST- LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3Bedroom Bangalow |
Nadowli District Hospital |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction of 2No. 5-Unit Lockable Market Stores |
Jang |
ST – LOT 3 |
Upgrading of 1No. Football Field at St. Augustine SHS |
Charikpong |
BH – LOT 4 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Borehole Fitted with Handpump |
Da-tampoe |
Mechanisation of 1No. Existing Borehole |
Lanzinlanumbu |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation 3No Boreholes |
Kakaklaagu, Kuuri-Bire, Naro |
RD –LOT 5 |
Spot Improvement of Naro-Duong Feeder Road (10.6km) |
Naro-Duong |
RD –LOT 6 |
Spot Improvement of Loho Junction Nabuku Feeder Road (1.8km) |
Loho |
GD – LOT 7 |
Supply and Installation of 200No. Solar Streetlight |
Sombo-Jang, Sankana, Takpo, Charikpong, Nadowli and Kaleo Market |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Completion and Furnishing of 1No. Orthopedic Theatre, Male and Female Ward with Ancillary Facilities |
St. Theresah Hospital |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Block with Office, Staff Common Room Storeroom and Library |
Bekyilteng |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom |
Bukong |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Gengenkpe |
ST – LOT 5 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Block with Office, Staff Common Room Storeroom and Library |
Kokoligu |
ST – LOT 6 |
Construction of 1No. 5-Unit Lockable Market Stores, Rehabilitation of 1No. 20-Unit Market Stalls and 1No. 5-Unit Lockable with 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal |
Basebel |
ST – LOT 7 |
Construction of 1No Athletics Oval, Football, and Physical Training Pitch |
Gengenkpe |
BH – LOT 8 |
Siting, Drilling and Solar Powered Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole |
Gengenkpe |
BH – LOT 9 |
Sitting, Drilling and Solar Powered Mechanization of 1No Borehole with 2No. Overhead Tank and Construction Of 630 linear Meter Wire Mesh Fence with Inlet and Outlet Entrance |
Turbogru |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Dangi |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 100-Seater Capacity Lecture Hall with 2No. Offices and 2No. Washrooms |
Tumu |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. 14-Unit Open Market Shed with 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal |
Wuru |
Construction of 1No. 14-Unit Open Market Shed with 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 2-Unit Urinal |
Nabugubelle |
ST – LOT 4 |
Pavement of Floor Area and Construction of Stage for Wellembele Community Centre |
Wellembele |
BH – LOT 5 |
Siting, Drilling and Solar Powered Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole |
Dangi |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation 1No Borehole |
Bugubelle |
RD – LOT 6 |
Spot Improvement and Construction of Double 3mx2m Box Culvert between Bechamboi and Kroboi Feeder Road |
Bechamboi and Kroboi |
GD - LOT 7 |
Supply and Installation of 100No. Metal Foldable Conference Chairs with Arm Rest |
Tumu Youth Centre |
S/N |
ST- LOT 1 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Kaa |
ST- LOT 2 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Nyentie |
ST- LOT 3 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom |
Sorbelle-Bullu |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction of 2No. 12-Unit Market Stall |
Gwollu New Market |
ST - LOT 5 |
Construction of 1No. 14-Unit Market Shed with 4-Seater KVIP and 2-Bay Urinal |
Kupulima |
BH - LOT 6 |
Siting, Drilling and Solar Powered Mechanisation of 3No. Borehole |
Kaa, Nyentie, Tiiwi |
RD - LOT 7 |
Construction of 20km Selected Feeder Roads, Fatchu to Nyentie and Gwollu Township |
Fatchu to Nyentie and Gwollu Township |
S/N |
ST- LOT 1 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1-Storey 12-Unit Classroom Block with 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Fongo E/A JHS |
ST- LOT 2 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom |
Chansa |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom |
Huuriya |
ST – LOT 3 |
Rehabilitation of Butcher House at the Old Market |
Jengbayiri |
Construction of 1No. 14-Unit Open Market Shed with 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 1No. 2-Unit Urinal |
Busa |
ST – LOT 4 |
Construction of 1No Athletics Oval, Football, and Physical Training Pitch |
Boli |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Construction of 1No. 4-Unit Teachers Quarters with 2-Seater KVIP and 2No. Bathroom |
Bellekpong |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, Staff Common Room, Storeroom and 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Gbantala |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Motigu |
ST – LOT 4 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. 2-Unit KG Block with Offices, Staff Common Room, Store, 3-Unit KVIP, and Bathroom |
Kpalworgu |
ST – LOT 5 |
Construction of 1No. 4-Unit Teachers Quarters with 2-Seater KVIP and 2No. Bathroom |
Duccie |
ST – LOT 6 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Buna |
ST – LOT 7 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2- Unit WC Toilet |
Yaru |
GD – LOT 8 |
Supply of 100No. Dual Desks |
Chawuli and Gbantala |
ST – LOT 9 |
Tarring of Muliabe to Funsi Main Station Road (0.8KM) |
Funsi |
ST – LOT 10 |
Construction of 1No Athletics Oval, Football, and Physical Training Pitch |
Goripie |
S/N |
ST-LOT 1 |
Construction and Furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Tokali |
ST-LOT 2 |
Construction of 2No. 14-Unit Open Market Shed with 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 2 Bay Urinal |
Dorny and Dorimon |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. Volleyball Pitch with 24No. Jersey, 2No. Volleyball, 1No. Net Setter, 6No. Elbow Caps, 6No, Kneecaps, 1No. Scorer Seat, 1No. Empire Seat, and 2No. Reserved Metal Benches |
Wechaiu |
BH - LOT 4 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Boreholes Fitted with Hand Pump |
Jenbob Teachers Quarters |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole with National Grid |
Tokali |
RD - LOT 5 |
Minor Spot Improvement of Poyentanga –Jenbob -Buli Junction Feeder Road (12.20km) |
Poyentanga-Jenbob-Buli |
DM - LOT 6 |
Rehabilitation of 1No. Dugout |
Gbache |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 2No. CHPS Compound and 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Libi and Kidenge |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction of 2No. 3-Unit Nurses Accommodation |
Gidanturu, Nyeshila |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. 20-Unit Workers Villa for Teachers and Nurses |
Kpalbe |
ST – LOT 4 |
Construction of 1-No. Slaughterhouse and a Meat Shop at Kpalbe Market, Procurement and Supply of 50No. Waste Bin Containers |
Kpalbe and Bunjai markets |
Construction of 1 No. 12-Unit Market Stall and 1No. 5-Unit Market Store with 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 1No. 2-Unit Urinal |
Kpanshegu |
ST – LOT 5 |
Rehabilitation and Fencing 1No. Football Field and Supply 2No. Metal Goal Posts, 2-No. Goal Posts Nets, Fixing of Benches for Coaches and Reserve Players |
Nachimbiya and Sakpalua |
BH – LOT 6 |
Sitting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 3No. Boreholes |
Libi, Kidenge, Deba |
RD – LOT 7 |
Construction of 4No. Speed Table |
Fuu |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Completion and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound with 2-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Yazori |
ST – LOT 2 |
Rehabilitation and furnishing of 1No. 6 -Unit Classroom Block with, Office, Staff Common Room ,4-seater KVIP with Changing Room, 2-Unit Urinal Facility; Rehabilitation of Head Teacher's Bungalow at Marikazia E/A Primary School |
Daboya |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. 4-Units Studio Apartment for Teachers & Construction of Pavement in the Daily Market at Garima |
Jedukura,Garima |
ST – LOT 4 |
Construction of 2No. 12-Unit Market Stall with 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet and 1No. 2 Unit Urinal at Lingbinsi & Construction of Fenced Cattle market with Revenue and Veterinary office with Washrooms and Mosque Shed |
Lingbisi, Daboya |
ST – LOT 5 |
Construction of 1No. Volleyball Court |
Daboya Day SHS |
BH - LOT 6 |
Siting, Drilling and Solar Powered Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole |
Yazori |
Siting, Drilling and Solar Powered Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole |
Daboya |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Construction of Astro- Turf Football Park |
Gbenfu |
ST – LOT 2 |
Expansion of Pavement Park and Rehabilitation of Office & 10-Seater W/C Toilet at Lorry Park Phase II |
Gbenfu |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction of 3No. Pavilion at Health Centre with Furnishing within Some Communities |
Kakiase, Mankuma, Tinga |
ST - LOT 4
Construction of Lorry Park, with Parking Area, Waiting Area Furnished with 15 Set of Metal Framed Chair with Wood at Top and Back, Offices and 10 W/C Seater |
Tinga |
BH – LOT 5 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of Boreholes with Hand Pumps in Four Communities |
Tinga, Ntereso, Doli, Gbenfu Lorry Terminal |
RD-LOT 6 |
Construction of Cattle Market 500M Gravel Road with 900MM Diameter Culvert |
Banda Nkwanta |
S/N |
ST – LOT 1 |
Construction of Artificial Football Field (Astroturf) |
Sawla |
ST – LOT 2 |
Construction of 3No. 14-Unit Market Sheds with 4-Unit KVIP and 2-Unit Urinal |
Sawla |
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction of Volleyball Court |
Tuna |
GD – LOT 4 |
Supply, Delivery and Embossment of 2120No. Metal Frame Dual Desk with Well-furnished 25mm Thick Hardwood Working Top, Seat and Backrest |
Sawla, Jentilpe, Nasoyiri,Nakwabi,Gilinkon,Vagla/india, Soyeteyiri, Kpalnoya, Gindabour, Kpongri No.1, Kpankpansuga, Poru, Basanayiri, Kalba No.1&2
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Rehabilitation of District Magistrate Court Building and Construction of 1No. 4-Seater WC and Supply of 5No. Air-Conditioners, 40No. Benches, 6No. Swivel Chairs, 6No. Desks and 10,000L Water Storage Tank |
Tamale |
RD- LOT 2 |
Construction of 0.6m x 200m Open U-Drain at Zogbeli Astroturf |
Zogbeli |
RD- LOT 3 |
Pavement of Tamale Youth Home with Pavement Blocks and Curbs at Buglan Fong |
Buglan Fong |
RD- LOT 4 |
Paving of 1,694 Square Meter Area with Pavement Blocks and Concrete Curbs at Aboabo Market |
Aboabo |
Signalization of 8No. Traffic Signal Lamps 4No. Poles, 4No. Gantry Poles 1No. Control Unit at Taysec Intersection |
Vittin |
Signalization of 4No. Traffic Signal Lamps 2No. Poles, 4No. Gantry Poles 1No. Control Unit at Pagsara Intersection. |
Tamale |
Signalization of 4No. Traffic Signal Lamps 4No. Poles, 1No. Control Unit at Sara Junction |
Buglanfong |
Signalization of 4No. Traffic Signal Lamps 4No. Poles, 1No. Control Unit at Prison Canteen Intersection. |
Ward K |
GD-LOT 7 |
Provision, Installation and Institutional Testing of 20No. Street Lights, 20No. Poles, 10No. Stays and 1No. 100kva Transformer |
Aboabo Market |
S/N |
ST-LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Nurses Quarters with Two Beds and 3000L Capacity Water Storage Tank Stand |
Kogni |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound and 2-Uniit Accommodation - Lot 2 |
Kunyevela |
ST-LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. Astroturf (Phase I) |
Kalpohin Anglican SHS |
ST-LOT 4 |
Completion of 1No. Astroturf (Floodlights, Drains and Pavilion -Phase II)
TaTU |
BH–LOT 5 |
Siting and Drilling of 1No. Mechanized Borehole with Elevated Tank Stand |
Kunyevela |
RD-LOT 6 |
Rehabilitation of Kalpohin SHS -Sang'ani Road (800m) |
Kalpohin |
TW-LOT 7 |
Upgrading and Extension of Pipe Water System (Phase I)
Fou and Changnayili |
GD-LOT 8 |
Supply of 600N0. Metal- framed Dual Desks,56No. Teacher Tables and Chairs |
Various |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Completion of Youth Resource Center |
Ubore |
ST - LOT 2 |
Completion and furnishing of Existing 1No. 6-Unit Classroom Block, Construction of 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet with Changing Room, 1No. 2 - Unit Urinal |
Nakpleborile |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Nurses' Quarters with 4500 litres Water Tank |
Bulkpli |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction of 1No. Abattoir and 216 Meters Chain Link Fence Wall (Phase 1) |
Ubore |
ST - LOT 5 |
Construction of 3No. Open Market Sheds, Renovation of 1No. Open Market Shed and Paving 670 Square Meter Area Around Sheds |
Npong |
ST - LOT 6 |
Construction of 1-Unit Youth Hall, Office, and 2-Unit Open Urinal for Youth Center at Tatindo |
Tatindo |
RD-LOT 7 |
Rehabilitation of 9km Sheini-Kpajaba Feeder Road |
Sheini |
GD - LOT 8 |
Supply of 150No. Dual Desks, 10No. Teacher's Chairs, 8No. Teacher's Tables, 2No. Cup Boards and Rainwater Harvester with 4500l Storage Tank at Nakpleborile |
Nakpleborile |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction of 1No. CHPS Compound (Main Building). (Phase 1) |
Chemponyili |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction of 1No. CHPS Compound (Main Building) at Zantili (Phase 1) and Construction of 1No. 4-Seater WC Toilet with Changing Room and 2unit Urinal at Nasande CHPS Compound. |
Nasande |
ST - LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. CHPS Compound (Main Building) |
Kanimo |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction of 1No. 6-Unit Teachers Quarters |
Gunlanyili |
BH - LOT 5 |
Siting and Drilling of 1No. Mechanized Borehole |
Gunlanyili |
Siting and Drilling of 1No. Mechanized Borehole |
Chemponyili |
Siting and Drilling of 1No. Mechanized Borehole |
Kanimo |
RD - LOT 6 |
Rehabilitation of Zantili-Chimboni-Gungung Feeder Road (20km) |
Zantili-Chimboni-Gungung Feeder |
GD - LOT 7 |
Procure and Supply 210No. Metal Framed Dual Desks. |
Nawuhugu JHS, Batei JHS, Nakpanduli Primary, Zantili JHS and Sakaya Primary Schools |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room |
Dipah |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with 4-Seater KVIP, 2-Unit Urinal, 2-Unit Changing Room at Kassimiyya Primary School |
Kassimiyya |
ST - LOT 3 |
Complete the Construction of Bimbilla Hospital Wall, Dual Entrance, Security Post 2No. Exit Gates, Plastering and Rendering and Painting and Decoration |
Bimbilla |
ST - LOT 4 |
Construction of 1No. 12-Unit Market Stores, 4-Seater KVIP Toilet 4-Unit Urinal |
Bimbilla |
ST - LOT 5 |
Construction of 1No. 14-Unit Open Market Shed with 1No. KVIP Toilet and 1No. 2-urinal |
Bimbilla |
BH-LOT 6 |
Siting, Drilling, and Installation of 2No. Boreholes fitted with Hand Pumps |
Dipah and Kassimiyya |
Siting, Drilling and Installation 2No. Electricity Powered Mechanized Boreholes |
Gambuga CHPS and Bimbilla |
GD-LOT 7 |
Supply of 721 No. Dual Desk for schools |
Gungun MA Prim, Jakpemba MA Prim, Juo MA Prim, Lanja R/C Prim, Sugon No. 1 EP Prim, Taali M/A Prim, Voasi M/A Prim., Chamba M/A Prim, Baanu Hashim M/A JHS, Yapalsi Prim, Our Lady of peace JHS, Obondo M/A Prim, Kimooti Prim, Tadamuni Islamic Prim. |
GD – Lot 8 |
Supply of 247No. Dual Desks for schools under the youth engagement and social cohesion activities |
Various |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1
Construction of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, 1No. 4-Unit KVIP Toilet, 1No. 1-Unit Changing Room, 1No. 1-Unit Open Urinal and Water Storage System, Supply of 135No. Mono Desks, 8No. Teachers Table, 9No. Teacher’s Chair 1No. Swivel Chair, 1No. 2in1 Sofa and 3No. Steel Cabinet |
Bini |
ST - LOT 2
Construction of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, 1No. 4-Unit KVIP Toilet, 1No. 1-Unit Changing Room, 1No. 1-Unit Open Urinal and Water Storage System, Supply of 135No. Mono Desks, 8No. Teachers Table, 9No. Teacher’s Chair 1No. Swivel Chair, 1No. 2in1 Sofa and 3No. Steel Cabinet |
Bogni |
ST - LOT 3
Construction and furnishing 1No. 1 Bedroom, 1 Hall, Kitchen and Washroom Semi-detach Nurse’s Quarters and Construction and Furnishing of 4-Unit 1 Bedroom, Kitchen and Washroom Teachers Quarters |
Gbungbaliga & Sunsong |
ST – LOT 4 |
Rehabilitation of 8No. 20-Unit Market Stalls, 1No. 5-Unit Lockable, 1No. 10-Unit KVIP, Stores, 2No. 2-Unit Urinal and Fence Wall
Construction of Fence Wall and Pavement around 5-Unit Lockable Market Stores, 5-Unit Offices and Conference Hall at Yendi Community Centre
BH –L OT 5
Siting, Drilling and Mechanization of 3No. Borehole to be Powered with Solar Energy, 1No. 10,000 liters Capacity Tank Mounted on Elevated Concrete Stand and Siting & Drilling of 1No. Borehole with Hand Pump |
Bini, Bogni, Sunsong
Sunsong, Sakpegu |
GD - LOT 6
Supply of 200No. Conference Hall Chairs, 3No. Executive Tables and 20No. Executive Chairs for the Youth Conference Centre |
Yendi |
S/N |
ST-LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 350-Seater Capacity Karaga SHS Assembly Hall |
Nagunaayili |
ST-LOT 2 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound with 2-Unit Nurses’ Accommodation and 1No. 2-Unit Washroom |
Gunaayili |
ST-LOT 3 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound with 2-Unit Nurses’ Accommodation with 1No. 2-Unit Washroom |
Nyingali |
ST-LOT 4 |
Construction of 1No. 12-Unit Opened Market Sheds |
Nakundugu |
ST-LOT 5 |
Construction and fencing of 1No. Youth Centre |
Sakulo |
BH-LOT 6 |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 2No. Mechanized boreholes with elevated tank stand |
Gunaayili and Nyingali |
RD – LOT 7 |
Construction, Opening-up and Shaping of Nyingali - Nagbani Feeder Road (7.00km) |
Nyingali - Nagbani |
GD-LOT 8 |
Supply of 110No. Metal Frame with Wooden Finishing Dual Desk for Some Selected Basic Schools |
Sadugu, Takaligu, Fatilanyili, Biduli, Nyong Nayili, Zandua, Bagli |
S/N |
ST-LOT 1 |
Construction of 1No. CHPS Compound with 4-Unit 1-bedroom self-contained Nurses' Accommodation |
Gbangbapong |
ST-LOT 2 |
Construction of 1-Unit Two Bedroom Self-contained and 2No. 1-Unit One Bedroom Self-contained Teachers' Accommodation |
Hilltop - Saboba |
ST-LOT 3 |
Renovation of Community Library and 4-Seater WC Toilet |
Saboba |
RD-LOT 4 |
Construction of 2No. 0.9x0.9m U-culverts and 5m wide 4 cells 4x4x4m Concrete Bridge on Nakpel - Gbangbanpong feeder road |
Gbangbanpong |
RD-LOT 5 |
Spot Improvement of Soboba- Boagbaln Feeder Road (2.5km) |
Soboba-Boagbaln |
GD-LOT 6 |
Supply of 400No. Metal Framed Dual Wooden Writing Desk, 50No. Wooden Teachers' Table And 50No. Wooden Chairs for selected schools |
Bakundiba, Boagbaln,Demong D/A JHS, Borgbaln Inagmanboni D/A basic school, Kpalba E/P JHS, Kpasasini D/A Primary, Lifur D/A JHS, Namongbani D/A JHS, Nambiri D/A JHS |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction of 110m x 75m Astro Turf with Fence and Floodlight at Lapass park |
Dambai |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an office, a store, 1No. 4-Seater, KVIP Toilet, 1No. 2-Unit Urinal, 1No. 2-Unit Changing Room, 135No. Mono Desks for Dambai Girl’s Model JHS at Dambai |
Dambai |
ST - LOT 3 |
Rehabilitation and Furnishing of Dambai Magistrate Court |
Dambai |
ST– LOT 4 |
Construction of 3No. Pavillions as Youth Centres |
Tokuroano, Ayeremo and Adumadum |
BH- LOT 5 |
Sitting, Drilling and Construction of 1No. Borehole with Hand Pump for Girl's Model |
Tokuroano, Ayeremo and Adumadum |
Sitting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Bore Hole at Dambai Magistrate Court |
Dambai |
RD -LOT 6 |
Construction of 2/2m x 2m Box Culvert at Tokuroanu - Kongo Feeder Road (1.0km) |
Tokuroano |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound, 3-Unit Accommodation with 2-Unit WC Toilet |
Kpolo |
ST-LOT 2 |
Re-Construction of 16 Bedrooms Room Lodge Phases 2 at Taylor Woodrow Rocky Beach Resort |
Kete Krachi |
ST-LOT 3 |
Construction of 1No. 3-Unit Classroom Block with an Office, a Store, 1No. 4-Seater KVIP Toilet, 1No. 2-Unit Urinal, 1No. 2-unit Change room, 135No. Mono desks and Office furniture |
Matekope MA Primary School |
ST – LOT 4 |
Construction of 3No. Summer Huts at Taylor Woodrow Rocky Beach at Kete Krachi |
Kete - Krachi Taylor Woodrow |
Fencing of Volleyball Pitch and additional Works on the Summer Huts at Taylor woodrow Rocky Beach |
Kete - Krachi Taylor Woodrow |
Renovation of 1No. 6 - Unit Washrooms at Taylor Woodrow Rocky Beach at Kete Krachi |
Kete- Krachi, Taylor Woodrow |
BH - LOT 5 |
Siting, Drilling and Construction of 1No Borehole |
Matekope MA Primary School |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No Borehole for Mpli CHPS Compound |
RD-LOT 6 |
Approach Filling, Stone Pitching and Gravelling of Existing 2/2mx1.8 Box Culvert at Onanija and Filling of Approaches and Stone Pitching at Odumakuma Feeder Roads |
Onaninja and Odumakum |
GD – LOT 7 |
Procurement of 1,096 Dual Desk, 228 Hexagonal Tables, 2271 Chairs for KG and Furnishing of a 16 Bedroom Lodge at Taylor Woodrow Rocky Beach |
Kete - Krachi |
S/N |
ST - LOT 1 |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. 3Unit Classroom Block with an Office, a store, 1No. 4-seater KVIP Toilet, 1No. 2-Unit urinal, 1No. 2-Unit Change room, 135No. Mono Desks |
Korni JHS |
ST - LOT 2 |
Construction of 200m Wall around Kpassa Sports Complex Phase 2
ST – LOT 3 |
Construction of 6-Seater WC Toilet at Damanko New Market |
Damanko |
ST – LOT 4
Construction of 3No. Storage Facility & Filling, Leveling and Compaction of Low-Lying areas |
Kpassa Market |
BH – LOT 5 |
Siting, Drilling and Construction of 1No. Borehole fitted with Handpump |
Korni JHS |
RD – LOT 6 |
Reshaping/Opening-Up and Construction of 1No. 2/1800mm Pipe Culvert on Korni – Damanko Feeder Road (10.0km) Phase 1 |
Korni |
RD - LOT 7 |
Spot Improvement and Construction of 3No. Culverts on Pibila – Ugando Feeder Road |
Pibila |
GD - LOT 8 |
Supply of 340No. Metal Leg Dual Desk for 16 Primary Schools |
Various |
Supply of 200No. Dining Hall Benches and 100No. Tables |
Kpassa Senior High Tech School |
S/N |
Construction and furnishing of 1No. CHPS Compound, 2-Unit Accommodation with Medical Equipment |
Shiare |
Construction of 4No. Open Market Shed |
Nkwanta Market |
Construction of 1No. Mini Shed with 1No. Storeroom with cassava processing equipment (cassava sievers-2, hydraulic presser-1, stainless steel grater-2, frying pan-2) for 1No. Cassava Processing Group
Kecheibi |
Rehabilitation and furnishing of 1No. ICT Centre for Nkwanta Senior High School |
Nkwanta |
BH - LOT 4
Siting and Drilling of 1No. Borehole fitted with handpump |
Portripor No. 4 |
Siting and Drilling of 1No. Borehole fitted with handpump |
Chanfori-Keri |
Siting and Drilling of 1No. Borehole fitted with handpump |
Bunga |
Siting and Drilling of 1No. Borehole fitted with handpump |
Adiembra - Kecheibi |
Siting, Drilling and Installation of 1No. Solar Powered Mechanised Borehole With 5,000 Litre Capacity Tank Mounted on an Elevated Concrete Stand |
Shiare CHPS |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole with 5,000 Litre Capacity Tank Mounted on an Elevated Concrete Stand |
Odomi Challa |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole with 5,000 Litre Capacity Tank Mounted on an Elevated Concrete Stand |
Kabre Akura |
Siting, Drilling and Mechanisation of 1No. Borehole with 5,000 Litre Capacity Tank Mounted on an Elevated Concrete Stand |
Basare Qtrs - Brewaniase |
RD - LOT 5
Spot Improvement of Keri to Pawa Feeder Road with 5No. Pipe Culverts (7.8km) |
Keri - Pawa |
Spot Improvement (Pothole Patching) of bitumen Surfaced Town Roads (2.6km)
Nkwanta |
Supply and Embossment of 1500No. Dual Desks |
Various |
1 |
Lawra Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
2 |
Nandom Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
3 |
Sissala East Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
4 |
Wa West District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
5 |
Wa East District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
6 |
Lambussie District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
7 |
Jirapa Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
8 |
Dafiama Bussie Issa District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
9 |
Wa Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
10 |
Nadowli-Kaleo District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
11 |
Sissala West District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
1 |
Bawku Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
2 |
Pusiga District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
3 |
Binduri District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
4 |
Bolgatanga Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
5 |
Bongo District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
6 |
Tempane District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
7 |
Garu District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
8 |
Kasena Nankana East District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
9 |
Kasena Nankana West District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
10 |
Talensi District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
11 |
Bolgatanga East District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
12 |
Bawku West District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
13 |
Nabdam District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
14 |
Builsa South District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
15 |
Builsa North Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
1 |
Sagnerigu Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
2 |
Tamale Metropolitan |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
3 |
Tatale Sanguli District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
4 |
Karaga District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
5 |
Saboba District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
6 |
Yendi Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
7 |
Gushiegu Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
8 |
Nanumba North Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
1 |
Bunkpurugu Nyankpanduri District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
2 |
Yunyoo-Nasuan District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
3 |
East Mamprusi Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
4 |
West Mamprusi Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
5 |
Mamprugu Moagduri District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
6 |
Chereponi District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
1 |
Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
2 |
North Gonja District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
3 |
Bole District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
4 |
North East Goja District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
1 |
Krachi East Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
2 |
Krachi West Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
3 |
Nkwanta North District |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |
4 |
Nkwanta South Municipal |
Office of the Metropolitan /Municipal/ District/ Chief Executive |
Written Application and Payment of Ghs500 |