Individual Selection of Consultant
Country: Federal Government of Somalia
Name of the Project: Improvement of Health Services (Damal Caafimaad) Project
Consulting Service: PMT Environmental Specialist – South West State (Re-Advertised)
Individual/Firm: Individual
Duty Station: South West State Ministry of Health
Deadline: 14th June 2023 (Deadline has been extended from 07th June, 2023)
The Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia, through the Federal Ministry of Health, is implementing the Improving Healthcare Services in Somalia under the “Damal Caafimaad” Project, with financing from the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank Group. The four-year project will contribute to Essential Package of Health Services (EPHS 2020) implementation aimed at improving the coverage of essential health and nutrition services in project areas and strengthen the stewardship of the Ministries of Health in Somalia. The Damal Caafimaad Project, funded by the World Bank, has three key components: (i) Expanding the coverage of a prioritized EPHS in selected geographic areas; (ii) Strengthening Government’s stewardship to enhance service delivery; and (iii) Project Management, M&E, Knowledge Management, and Learning. The Project will focus on expanding an essential package of high-impact health and nutrition services across the population in project target regions within available resources and service delivery capacity, and also aims to develop the Federal and State Ministries’ of Health capacity to act as stewards of the health sector.
The Environmental Safeguards Specialist position will be a full-time contracted staff position, assigned to the Project Management Team (PMT) of the Federal Member State Ministry of Health in project target areas. The Environmental Safeguards Specialist will be responsible for providing technical support to the PMT in the preparation of environmental safeguards documentation and monitoring and reporting on environmental safeguards implementation.
The Ministry of Health and Human Services is seeking to use a portion of the Damal Caafimaad Project to finance the recruitment of a PMT Environmental Specialist (MOH-South West State).
Reporting to the PMT Project Manager and technically collaborating with the PCIU Senior Environmental Specialist at the Federal Ministry of Health in Mogadishu, the PMT Environmental Safeguards Specialist is responsible for providing technical support to the PMTs in the preparation of environmental safeguards documentation and monitoring and reporting on environmental safeguards implementation. This includes: (i) Monitoring compliance with environmental safeguards and developing environmental impact assessments incorporating necessary environmental mitigation measures); (ii) Procuring technical assistance to conduct environmental screening and scoping of project activities; (iii) Setting up and monitoring grievance redress mechanism(s), especially for occupational health and safety matters; (iv) Monitoring the use and effectiveness of the Project grievance redress mechanism(s); and (v) Carrying out regular review and assessment of the functioning of environmental mitigation measures. The Environmental Safeguards Specialist is expected to perform the following tasks:
- Familiarization with project documents including Environmental Management Framework (EMF), Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), and the Infection Control and Waste Management Plan (ICWMP) for the project
- Provide technical support to the PMT in (I) Screening, scoping, and assessing the environmental risks and impacts of the proposed project activities; (ii) Recommending mitigation and enhancement measures for environmental risks; (iii) Taking the lead in the preparation of, consultations on, and updating of safeguards documents in compliance with World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF); (iv) Monitoring the implementation of environmental safeguards and assessing the efficacy of mitigation measures, in compliance with World Bank ESF and international best practices, and (v) Conducting capacity needs assessment on the implementation of environmental mitigation measures by health facilities supported under this project
- Provide technical oversight to consultants /contracted NGOs in preparing environmental safeguards instruments, and ensure Safeguard consultants have full information on the project and the PMT staff feed into the development of the instruments so that they are owned by the PMT and mainstreamed into the design of the project
- Implement the ESCP, and ensure active communication of implementation progress to the FGS Project Implementation and Coordination Unit and the PMT Manager.
- Lend technical support in the preparation of Environmental and Social Assessment and Management Plans (ESAMPs), which will include area-specific ICWMPs for health facilities, capturing waste volumes and categories expected from the health facilities, in addition to field-level data collection
- Conduct consultative meetings with relevant project stakeholders to discuss site-specific environmental issues relevant to the project and incorporate the feedback from the participants on environmental concerns, potential impacts, and recommended mitigations measures into the environmental instruments prepared
- Prepare periodic progress reports on the management of environmental risks and impacts at the operational level
S/he will undertake all the other specific tasks detailed in the Terms of Reference (TOR) that can be found at the following https://moh.gov.so/en/or can be provided upon submission of application (in person or by E-mail to the address in paragraph 6.1 below).
The selection shall be based on qualification, experience and skills of the candidate and followed by an interview.
The PMT Environmental Safeguards Specialist will possess the following qualifications:
- Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science, Natural Resources Management, Waste Management, Ecology or other relevant fields. Having master's degree is an added advantage.
- Minimum of 5 years relevant professional work experience in environmental impact assessments, legal and policy review, and formulation of project action plans for environmental safeguard management in projects financed by international donor agencies (preferably the World Bank).
- Conversant with relevant national and state environmental laws
- Knowledge and experience of ICT-based Office applications and tools (word processing, spreadsheets and data processing, PowerPoint)
- Knowledge and experience of World Bank's Environmental and Social Framework and operations and the specific context of Somalia or in fragile and conflict situations considered an asset
- Excellent analytical, communication, writing, presentation/facilitation, and editorial skills in English; Somali language skills an asset
- Ability to collaborate effectively with other team members, contribute productively to the team's work and output and demonstrate respect for different points of view
- Ability to work independently and with little to no supervision, ability to plan and effectively manage complex, long-term projects
The Environmental Safeguards Specialist will report to PMT Manager at South West State level and to the PCIU Senior Environmental Specialist in the Federal Ministry of Health and work in close collaboration with the South West State PMT’s Social Safeguards Specialist.
The PMT Environmental Specialist- South West State will be engaged on a full-time basis and is expected to commence the assignment by 1st March 2022 for an initial period of 12 months, with a probation period of 6 months. The contract is renewable annually subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds.
The Environmental Safeguards Specialists will be based in the PMT within the South West State Ministry of Health, with site visits to health facilities to support project understanding and implementation on an as-needed basis.
The Ministry of Health and Human Services (FGS) now invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the above-mentioned services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the Services and furnish the Curriculum Vitae (CV).
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to section III, para 3.14,3.16 & 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Projects Financing Goods, Works, Non -Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, revised November 2017 August 2018 and November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant method set out in the World Bank Procurement Regulations.
Interested applicants may obtain further information including a detailed Terms of Reference from the Ministry in person or by e-mail to the address given below during office hours from 9.00 a.m.– 4.00 p.m. Saturday to Thursday.
Deadline: Expressions of interest and CV must be delivered to the address below by hand, mail, courier or email on or before 14th June 2023 at 16:00 hours E.A.T.
7.1: Address
The General Director; Ministry of Health and Human Services
Federal Government of Somalia
Corso Somalia Street, P.O. Box 22, Shangani, Mogadishu, Somalia
Email Address: procurement.damalcaafimaad@gmail.com
with copies to: dgoffice@moh.gov.so; sws.damalcaafimaad@gmail.com;
Submit your application with the following as your subject: Environmental Specialist (MOH-South West State)- SO-MOH-FGS-050-CS-INDV