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Sri Lanka Agriculture Sector Modernization Project



  • P156019

  • Sri Lanka Agriculture Sector Modernization Project

  • Sri Lanka

  • OP00049417

  • Request for Expression of Interest

  • Published

  • LK-MOA-PMU-31834-CS-QCBS

  • Quality And Cost-Based Selection

  • English

  • Feb 28, 2018 16:00

  • Feb 11, 2018


  • Ministry of Agriculture-PMU

  • Thulani Weerakoon

  • No: 288, Sri Jayawardenepura Mawatha, Rajagiriya.

  • Sri Lanka

  • Sri Lanka

  • 0094113651103



















Hiring Research Teams for Policy Research Studies

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka has received a Credit from International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank in an amount equivalent to US$ 58.630 towards the cost of the Agriculture Sector Modernization Project, and intends to apply a part of the  proceeds of this Credit to eligible payments under following  Contracts to hire Consultancy firms, multi- and inter-disciplinary research teams or joint ventures  including qualified Universities, other public and private sector organizations and registered professional associations of Sri Lanka to undertake Agriculture Policy Research Studies of the following research themes.

Research themes are



  1. Agricultural Land, PP No: LK-MOA-PMU-31815_CS-QCBS covering a review of acts and regulations related to agricultural lands in Sri Lanka; a quantitative analysis of the relationship between land and farm productivity vs fragmentation and property rights to land, and an assessment of effects of various land regulations and policies on land use pattern using a multi-sector equilibrium model. 
  2. Agriculture Productivity         , PP No: LK-MOA-PMU-31820-CS-QCBS covering an estimation of partial and total factor productivities of key agricultural sub-sectors in Sri Lanka (rice, selected fruits, vegetables, dairy etc.), and an assessment of the effects of public investments, such as research, extension, rural roads, irrigation, insurance, finance etc. on productivity of selected agricultural sub-sectors.
  3. Agricultural Production Relationships, PP No. LK-MOA-PMU-31823-CS-QCBS covering a meta-analysis and estimation of production relationships to identify technical and resource-allocation efficiency in agricultural production in Sri Lanka with special emphasis on seed policy, mechanization policy, agricultural input policy, an evaluation of the economic effects of cash subsidy program for fertilizer; and an evaluation of alternative policy options to increase efficiency of allocation of irrigation water.
  4. Technology Adoption  , PP No. LK-MOA-PMU-31831-CS-QCBS covering a review of the regulatory framework in Sri Lanka with respect to technology adoption, scale up and spill-ins with special emphasis on the agricultural research- extension-education system, private sector participation in R&D and extension, policies governing innovations and intellectual property rights.
  5. Food Safety, PP No. LK-MOA-PMU-31835-CS-QCBS covering an assessment of the degree of adoption of cultivation and food processing practices to improve food safety along the value chain with special emphasis on and institutional arrangements to enhance food safety.
  6. Crop Insurance, PP No. LK-MOA-PMU-31836-CS-QCBS covering an assessment of the effectiveness of different agricultural insurance schemes vis-à-vis alternative risk management schemes focusing on climate change, natural disasters, and pest damages.
  7. Innovative Marketing Strategies         , PP No. LK-MOA-PMU-31834-CS-QCBS covering a review of key features of businesses models adopted in Sri Lanka and other developing countries in sustainably connecting small farmers to global value chains; an analysis of conduciveness of policy framework to promote agricultural exports; an evaluation of economic impacts of tariff, para-tariff and non-tariff barriers, and trade agreements; and examination of potential market failures with special emphasis on lobbying power.
  8. Food Consumption, Nutrition and Health, PP No. LK-MOA-PMU-31832-CS-QCBS covering an analysis of structural change in food consumption pattern across sectors and income classes in Sri Lanka, and assessment of the effects of agricultural and food price and tax policies to safeguard farm producers and urban consumers on the status of food security and food industry performances; and an assessment of the economic potential of domestic production to meet priority food needs. 
  9. Agricultural Labor Markets   , PP No. LK-MOA-PMU-31829-CS-QCBS covering an assessment of labor productivity in major agricultural sub-sectors with special emphasis of feminization, ageing, out-migration, part-time farming etc. and policy measures to improve agriculture’s competitiveness through women and youth participation.
  10. Agriculture-Environment Trade-offs, PP No. LK-MOA-PMU-31826-CS-QCBS        covering an assessment of financial, economic and environmental sustainability of alternative farming systems and identification of policies to speed up adaptation mechanisms to climate change shocks; and an evaluation of the ecological consequences of various agricultural practices with special focus on conventional agriculture and ecological agriculture.

The Ministry Consultancy Procurement Committee of Ministry of Agriculture on behalf of ASMP Project Management Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture now invites eligible consultants/ qualified research teams to indicate their interests in providing the services. Interested consultants’/ research teams must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.) Consultant may associate with international research agencies as a Joint Venture to enhance their qualifications.


Consultants will be selected in accordance with the procedure set out in the “Quality and Cost Based Selection” method following the Guidelines of “Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers” published on January 2011 and revised on July 2014.



Interested consultants’/ research teams may obtain Terms of References and further information from at the address below during 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p. m. on working days during the period of 14th to 28th February 2018 or by visiting the web site of the Agriculture Sector Modernization Project ( or e-mailing to the e-mail address of the ASMP given below.



Expressions of Interests must be delivered by hand or registered post to the address below by 28th February 2018.

Completed EOIs should be enclosed in sealed envelope and marked “EOIs for Policy Research Projects: Theme of the Research project” on the left hand top corner of the envelope.


The Address referred to above is


Project Director

ASM Project

Ministry of Agriculture

No. 288, Sri Jayawardenepura Mawatha,




Project Director

Project Management Unit

Agriculture Sector Modernization Project,

Ministry of Agriculture

No. 288, Sri Jayewardenepura Mawatha,


8th February 2018.


T.P: 0094 112 872 093/97  Ext.  1128 – Policy Specialist, 094113 651 101 Procurement Specialist